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Minho POV

"Minho!" Changbin went up to me.
"What's up?" I look up at him.
"Did you see the video of Jisung?"

"Of course, I saw it it's all over the internet I want to find those two guys that raped him and killed them with my bare hands."

"Hey will find them even if takes days or weeks." He assured me.

"Thanks, Changbin I know I can always count on you. I just think it's all my fault I was mad at him yesterday. I said some things I shouldn't have said I didn't mean it the jealousy in me was mad. Of course, that shouldn't be the case in telling him those awful things.

When he slapped he slipped out that he had feelings for me he said that I'm just like the rest of the people that bully him. Aish Changbin when he told me that I knew I fucked up." I said putting my hands on my face. He patted my back.

"He won't even talk to me or his friends he's all alone in his house. I don't know how he's feeling but I know he's not functionally well. I just want to hug him and say I'm going to be here for you. If he returns to school I won't let anyone touch him and if they do I don't care what gender they will see a side they haven't met from me."

"Can I say something that you need to work on it's your angry issues you think he's going to like you if you keep doing this hell think you were just playing with heart and he will never forgive you? Second I feel that this situation wasn't just random because there were so many people at the party either inside or outside that they could've gotten anyone at the party who was drunk or not I feel like it was planned but who in their right mind would do that to him who despises him that much. Will find those two jerks that hurt your boyfriend Minho."

"He's not my boyfriend." "But you wish he was."
"I just want to turn back time and so I wouldn't have said those things to him. He might've told me that he liked me in a better situation and then I'll answer him saying that I liked him too and we could've been together already instead I can't even get a callback." I said looking at the black screen of my phone.

"But of course life won't give me the life I want I have to pay for what I have done to people. If I wasn't crazy jealous I hen he told me that guy asked him for his phone number and he agreed to give it to him because if he said no it would sound mean. I don't think I will get another chance into asking him out.

"You'll see him at school one day."
"You think he's gonna come to school with that video surfing around the internet. If it was me I'll drop out of school and move to Alaska."

"You don't even understand the language."

"Is call studying I can speak basic English maybe. But I want Jisung to take time off of school until this passes." "I don't think that such a good idea Minho because school is ending on June the fifth and wherein March twelve would he even pass senior year."

"I'll make sure he'll do great this year before anything I'll find a way to help him fast." "Aww look at that you're totally in love with him." "Shut up Changbin."

These past few days I spend time with my friends or home alone in bed or trying my best to find out who put out the video but there was no one to trace in the first place everyone kept retweeting it. Spring Break was finally over and school was beginning tomorrow. I put everything aside and fell asleep in my bed.

Jisung POV
I got up walking towards the bathroom mirror. 'Why do I look like this?' I said talking to my mirror. 'Why do I look like a monster?' 'Why was I born like this!' 'Why on earth did my parents have me if I'm going to be disliked by everyone around me there is no future for me.!' I cried holding onto the sink.

I need to go to school and face what the world thinks of me like a worthless piece of shit, not something to be worth looking at or saving.

I changed into my regular clothes I got my backpack and headed to my car. I turn on the engine and headed to school. I parked in the student parking lot to see all the students hanging outside like they knew who they were waiting for I'll just wait until the staff tells them to go back inside then I'll go.

I waited for thirty minutes in my car when the last three students went back inside. I got my things and went to my first-period class. I hesitantly open the door and all eyes were on me.

The teacher didn't even spare a glance at me for being late. "What are you waiting for go and sit or would you like to teach these bastards of kids." I walked to my desk until people were whispering and whistling behind my back. One boy in front of my desk spoke to me.

"So Jisung can you do me next my schedule is free." "Oh me too I like to know how it feels to have you inside my dick." they all started to laugh. "What do you like better having a threesome or an orgy?" One of his friends asked me.

"P-please s-stop talking to me," I said hoping they'll stop.

"Why not your a slutty bastard aren't you?"
"No, I'm not! so just drop it alright." He stood up behind me and grabbed me from my neck and then slammed my face into the desk.

"Mr. Chae if your going to fight please go and fight somewhere else that isn't in my classroom I don't want the principal to find out there was a fight in my class and I didn't do anything about it."

"Sure thing Miss." He grabbed me by my collar leading me to the restroom. He threw me on the hard floor. "Stop please I beg of you I'll do anything just don't harm me."

"Poor Jisung me and my friends are gonna do a good out of you you'll be shitting your pants with excitement." He smiled evilly.

He grabbed me from my hair he push one of the stalls open. "Say hi for me to the fishes down there would you." Not seconds later he put my head inside the toilet. I tried smacking his leg or anything so I can get out of his grasp he just went back and forth pulling me up and down.

He took my head off from the toilet his friends came inside the bathroom they were all licking their lips. "You won't mind if we play with you right Jisung because you know how this goes right."

The four boys grabbed me from my arms to my legs. One of them pulled down my pants and underwear.

I looked at the guy who started it all. He smiled at me and thrust into me. "STOPP! I don't like it. Please I'm getting rapped HELPP!! Anyone help me!!!" I screamed until someone can hear me screaming. Tears started to flow down my cheeks.

After they were done using me they all smiled. I put my clothes back on. "You so good Jisung me and friends had a blast let do this another time." I looked at them "Fuck you." I said to him he came closer to me grabbing my chin. "You are always going to be that student who had sex with two people and put it on the internet you little bitch so stay in your lane."

I put my hand into a fist. "I am no one bitch and I'm also not a dude who raped a dude what does that make you gay as well." I punched him right in the jaw and rushed out of the bathroom so I wouldn't be caught by his friends.

I bumped into someone. "Jisung hey oh my god what happened to you? You look so pale." I stumbled a bit. "Let's go to the nurse," Minho said thinking I'll say yes.

"No! don't touch me Minho I'm okay get the hell out of my way." I went towards a door that lead to the rooftop of the school. I walked up the stairs until I reached the top. I walked by the edge of the roof touching the railings.

I took a breather and looked around. I looked at the blue sky that I haven't seen when I started high school. I sniffed the fresh air I will soon be there flowing through the wind with both of my parents I will finally be with them after three years without them.

I step my foot out to the other side of the railing until both my feet weren't on the ground I was grabbing onto the railings.

Let's meet again when I'm happier-

"JISUNG!" I turned around to see Minho.

See you in the next chapter I hope you like this and I also hope this wasn't trash.
(Edit again)👌🏼

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