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Jisung POV

Today was May 25th we were almost finishing high school our last year in a few days will be graduating.

These last two months were the best days for Minho and me we told our friends we were dating they didn't expect it well some of them did they were happy for us. Nobody had the dare to bully me anymore when they heard I was dating Minho everyone was scared to lay a hair on me.

I felt happy again I never thought I would be this happy but Minho changed that he changed me as I changed him I'm in a better place now we're both in a better place and I want it to stay like that.

"But not everything can be what it seems to be. Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies."

Today, I was walking hand in hand with Minho in the halls with a bright smile I had when I'm always with him. "What do you want to eat." He asked tightening my hand. "I want to eat tacos."

"Alright meet me in the car I'll be getting something from my locker I'll meet you in a few minutes okay." "Sure." I kissed him on the lips and left the school building.

I waited inside the car I looked on my phone swiping my feed on Instagram.

"Hey, I'm back." "What took you long it's been thirty minutes?"
"I was talking to Hyunjin he told me something?" "What was it about?" "Uhh, nothing just work and stuff..."

"Okay." "After we eat Jisung were having a get-together at Bangchan house." "Okay, what's the occasion.?"

"We need to settle some things and you have to come your one of the guests of honor."

"Why? And what do you mean one of.." "You'll see." I looked at him but when back to my phone.

We made it to Bangchan's house and we see our other friend's cars in the driveway. We both came out of the car and walked hand in hand entering the front door.

"Guys we're here yeah we know you guys miss us don't need to lie," Minho yelled as we entered the house. "Did we though I think I made a mistake in coming here," Changbin smirked.

"So what are we going to do today my pals." "First thing first we're all going to drink a cup of alcohol and I mean everyone," Hyunjin said pouring cups and giving them to us.

Minho whispered to me. "If you don't want to drink it just give it to be okay."
I nodded I wasn't going to try drinking maybe a sip but not all of it.

Hyunjin counted at three. "3....2....1 drink," he yelled. Minho shug it all at once. Then I looked at my cup Minho looked at me too. I then did the same thing as he did. The taste was nasty but what can you do. I looked at Minho who just stared at me with a surprised look.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just don't want to be left out."
"You don't have to drink if you don't want to baby."
"It's fine if I'm with you I'll be safe right."

He took a long pause then gulped and then spoke again. "Y-yes baby when I'm around with you you'll be safe on my watch."

I smiled and gave him a tight hug.

"You know why I brought you here."
"You said it was a get-together because we haven't seen our friends in a long time with exams also I'm the guest of honor."

"That's some of it." "Is there more," I said confused.
"Baby I needed you here because this group is a bit tensed." "How is it tense we're all good friends aren't we"

"Yeah but there's two people that affect this group and you are one of those people that affect this group. "Then who's the other person-- I'm not going to say sorry to that stanky ass bitch Woojin."

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