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Minho POV

"Baby wake up."  "Mmmm"
Jisung stirred around the bed putting his leg over my thighs. "We should head home baby boy."  "Five more minutes..." He slapped my arms.

"No! five more minutes were leaving after we take a shower I'll meet you inside and don't take all the warm water."

"Then you should probably hurry because that's the first thing I would do."  He got up and headed to the bathroom. I did the bed open the curtains grabbed my phone from the side table and see that I got a new message.

Fuck how did he get my number I looked around Jisung was still in the shower. I sat on the bed and thought in what he texted what secret? I had many, but the one dark secret I was thinking was the worse of them all I didn't want that secret to be let out and not from those two bastards and it's all my fault. I created this mess and it's all coming back to me.

\\Flashback to school\\

"Alright meet me in the car I'll be getting something from my locker I'll meet you in a few minutes okay." "Sure."

He kissed me on the lips and left the school building. I lied to Jisung I wasn't going to my locker I was meeting Hyunjin he told me to wait by the gym doors.

I waited for ten minutes until he showed up. "You're the one who asked me to be here and your late."   "By ten minutes."

"Why did you ask me here in the first place and make it quick me and Jisung are going to eat tacos then go to Bangchan's place like we said in the group chat."

"This is a huge problem Minho a bigger problem than anything you have ever faced."  "What is it?"

"Remember two months after school started you hated Jisung guts and you wanted him to vanish and shit and how he ruined your jacket and him being a smartass to you."  "Yeah..." 

"You remember you asked me to get you a guy that would do something to him at the Spring Break Annual Party."

"No, I forgot about those guys did they ever show up."  "Yes! they did show up I showed them to you but you were so drunk I don't think you remember their face but I do."

"He brought his friend and I told them to do their job again I also forgot that they were here to do something to Jisung and you know what they did."

"Stop Hyunjin I think I know we're you getting this."

"They're the ones who raped Jisung and put it on the internet for him to get bullied at school and around the world. We did that."

I crouched down I don't even remember anything I forgot about those guys they were my least problem and now they're my huge problem. 
"I did this,"  I told Hyunjin

"No! you didn't we both took a part of this problem if Jisung found out about this I don't even know what he's going to react," Hyunjin asked.

"He'll kill me for sure he will never speak to me ever again, will break up for good, theirs no future for us anymore I caused a big scene for him I made him get bullied I was so angry the day I laid eyes on him I did a lot of things that you guys don't know about.

Hyunjin I'm a psychopath. I made his life a living hell and he's with a person who caused tremendous damage in his life is like he hasn't had enough from this nightmare."

I cried on his shoulder.

"You have to tell him first before somebody tells him and that will just make it worse next week it's his birthday do it whenever but sooner would be great."

I left Hyunjin and headed back to my car who my boyfriend was waiting inside. I have to tell him.

//End of Flashback//

I turned my phone off and went into the bathroom to shower with my b-boyfriend.

"You took so long to come in the shower." He said wrapping his arms around my neck the water was spraying on our bodies.  "Jisung"
"Yes~" He stared at me lovingly.

"If I told you something I did and it was horrible like so horrible then you can think off from the top of your head right now would you ever forgive me."

He looked me straight in the eye.

"If it was horrible like let's say if you were the one who caused that sex video of me and the two people who raped me I will never forgive you! You'll be dead to me. I will lose all contact with you. 
But if it wasn't intended in how bad you think it is and you told me and I think what you did wasn't worse then you don't need me to forgive you." I'm fucked.

"Why do you ask?"  "Nothing just thinking."  "Then we should hurry and go back home so we can eat tacos because we never got the chance in going we just went straight to Bangchan's house."

"Yeah let's hurry."  I'm doomed either way.

Today was Friday and tomorrow is Jisung's birthday he'll be turning eighteen and Monday would be our graduation day.

I haven't told Jisung yet as you can tell we were outside sitting down in the porch swing holding hands looking at clouds and naming what they were.

"That one looks like an elephant and his lover."   "That one right there." I pointed. "Looks like the shit emoji." I smiled. "Minho you ruined the sweet moment we were having." He pouted looking away from me I grabbed his chin and turned it to look at me I pecked his lips.

He kissed me again and sat on my lap the swing went a bit fast with all the moving we put in it. It went too fast making both of us fall on the ground.

Jisung started to laugh I smiled hearing his laugh. "We should prepare for the party we're having with our friends and because is your birthday tomorrow ."

"Okay let's put the decorations today."

The day went like that we both decorated the back and the front of the house putting the tables outside the backyard balloons on some of the fences and some goodies bags. We finally finished putting up the fairy lights around the backyard.

We both went inside the house sitting on the couch. "Minho..."  "Yes, baby."
"Do you ever think of the future? Like what's going to happen to us.?" 
"I never thought of it until you said it I wasn't thinking about it because I like living the moment."

"Well, I had."  "What do you think it's going to happen to both of us baby."

"I believe in a few years when we both turn twenty-five you'll ask me to marry you or whoever ask I don't care. Then a year later or two will adopt kids or have someone to have our baby will live in the suburbs and live happily until we get old."

I smiled tearing up. "I love you."
"I love you too."

The next chapter would be the last and after that chapter is done I have something to tell you guys about this story. Is very important. Thank you.
(Edit again)👌🏼

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