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Minho POV

"Hey Minho the guy that you told me to find like four months ago is here. He's ready what you told him on the phone." "Whatever" hiccup. "You're drunk? He also brought his friend as well."

"Ah-huh tell him to doou whatEvrr." "Okay, I'll tell him." "Hyunjin go get me another beeR." "Sure."

"Hi, Minho!" My eyes squinted to see who it was but all I saw was a blue and they looked small. "Who r you, tiny person." "I've been having a crush on you for a while now." "That's niceu come to sit sit and I'll give you a tiny peck on the lips."

Jisung POV

My tears flow down my cheeks. I sniffed trying to control my tears. Stop Jisung calm down you shouldn't cry over a guy that treats you like shit.

I grabbed my phone and wallet I should head home right now. I turn the doorknob to see a scary man and another guy beside him. "Excuse me," I said. "Wait!" the one with the beard said. He looked at his phone then at me he showed it to his friend and they both looked at each other and nodded they smiled creepily.

"I n-need to go home please move."

They pushed me back to the room. "Please I need to go!"

"No, you don't today your gonna have fun with us." His friend grabbed me by the neck. "Please s-stop your c-choking me." He threw me on the bed he got on top of me he ripped my shirt. "Please stop." I squirmed around he grabbed my wrists he harshly kissed my neck.

"STOPP!" The guy with the beard put the rope in my mouth tying it hard he caressed my cheek. Both men took their clothes off and mine with it one of them licked my chest and the other one was getting in a position right in my behind.

I couldn't stop crying one of the men slapped me he grabbed me by the face leaving a handprint on my cheek. The one that was leaving marks on my face got up grabbing something from his pants there were white pills.

He took the rope out of my mouth before I could scream he put four pills on my mouth making me swallow it. They put the rope right back on my mouth. I was feeling woozy my head was spinning around. "You won't remember anything." I can hear a voice fading away.

Next morning
I woke up with the sun lighting my eyes. I stretched before I looked around the room I'm still at the party thank god with clothes. What happened to me that I can't remember anything. I tried to stand up but my back felt a strike ahh I slowly got up I put my shoes on.

I grabbed my phone and wallet. I went down and called an Uber. I went back to my house and fell asleep when I reached my bed.

I woke up again I changed into some regular clothes I wanted to get out of the house. I reached my phone that was on top of the nightstand when I looked at the screen I had thirty-two messages and twenty missed calls from my friends.
I put one of the voicemails on speaker.
"Jisung call us NOW!" I put the next one "Jisung please have you seen it!" "Is that why you aren't answering?!!" "You saw the video" "Call us!" What video are they talking about?

I ringed the boys in a video call. "Jisung are you okay," Seungmin said worriedly. "Why are you crying, Felix?" I asked. "Didn't you see the video?" "What video? Guys when I came back from the party I fell asleep when I came home I just woke up like ten minutes ago."

"You haven't seen it." "Seen what?" I asked the inpatient what video do they mean.

"Look Jisung we have no idea how that video got there but all we know is all over the internet is number one on Twitter we tried to find the person who put it out there but they keep retweeting it.

Were sorry this is happening to you if you need anything we'll be here. We're going to your house and will show you what video we mean. But when we show you this video be prepared because is not going to be easy to see."

I waited in my living room with my orange juice box. I waited and waited until the door knocked. I opened the door Jeongin, Felix, and Seungmin came inside my house.

"You guys want food," I asked them. "This a huge problem Jisung and we know your not gonna like it we're so s-sorry we c-couldn't be there for you and we told you we were going to be there for you but we failed." Seungmin said tearing up.

They all sat on the couch. "You guys are worrying me what's the video? Please you guys are scaring me." Seungmin took his phone out of his pocket and gave it to me. "Press play," he said.

I looked at him then at the phone I breathed in and out. I pressed play.

The video started with someone getting pushed down on the bed two guys on either side of the bed. Both of them took their clothes off and the boy on the bed. They were licking him touching him like everywhere his body show a movement of terrifying. His face turned to the camera my mouth opened it was me I'm the person on the bed I covered my mouth with my hand. One of them slapped me.

The other dude grabbed something from his pants making me swallow it.
The guy with tattoos was inside of me fucking me how did this happen.

I turn the phone off. Felix touched me. "Stop don't touch me I'm disgusting." "Jisung Stop." "You saw that I'm getting fucked by two guys and I don't remember anything and my face looks like it likes it but I can remember shit." "We can call the cops." "No what are they going to do I'm a freak a disgusting human being. I need to see what people are saying about me."

"No it's worse you shouldn't look at yourself is not good." "Why me? Seungmin why do I have to live like this." I looked at my phone I clicked on the comments on Twitter.

"Wow he's such an attention whore"

"Does he like showing everyone that he's a slut"

"He so gay"

"Get a life whore"

"Just watch when you get to school faggot."

"I knew him I just didn't know he's those kinda people so disgusting."

I threw my phone to the wall. "Jisung calm down." "I can't I can n-never go to s-school e-ever didn't you saw those c-comments I can never show my f-face again to the p-public." I broke into tears. "You have to go all of you just go." "Why?" "I don't want you guys to get into my mess." "You didn't do anything wrong they raped you Jisung and will find the truth."

"Go please I can't see myself please go away." "Jisung" "just go!" I yelled.
They all left out the door. I sat on the couch. I looked at my cracked phone. "Why me." Tears fell on the screen

One new message popped up I looked at the name I called the person.

"J-using!" "Don't c-call me ever I have a-a lot on my plate and if you are going to say shit about me do it already my life is already ruined I don't care because you won't see me ever again." my voice cracked. "Jisung please we have to talk." "No we don't M-Minho I never want to talk to a guy like you e-ever.

I hanged up I curled myself into a ball. There was a heavy set of dark inside my house now. I put my phone close to me.

Here you go promise as ever. Also, I want you guys to have a happy ending for this story I do but what fun is that. Right?😭

(Edit again)👌🏼

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