Bakugo's chat

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Bakugo added Todoroki, Izuku, Uraraka, Denki, Momo, Jirou, Mina, Tokoyami, kirishima, Aoyama, Sero and Iida 

Bakugo: Sup loser

Tokoyami: why am I here?

Bakugo: because I'm bored and kirishima has been in the shower forever

Izuku: didn't Kirishima just get in the shower?

Bakugo: shut it loser I didn't ask for your opinion

Tokoyami: oh yeah he did


Jirou: Goth chicken 😂😂

Tokoyami: did you just call me a goth chicken?

Bakugo: yes

Bakugo changed Tokoyami's name to Goth chicken

Goth chicken: 🤦‍♀️

Bakugo: I'm enjoying this more then I should

Jirou: me too

Uraraka: What is going on here?

Goth chicken: I wonder the same thing

Uraraka: Goth chicken 😂😂😂😂😂

Goth chicken has left chat

Bakugo: now who do I annoy to satisfy my boredom :(

Aoyama: you know you don't have to annoy anyone

Bakugo: I want to

Aoyama: but why?

Bakugo: because I can

Aoyama: so your doing it because you can?


Izuku: calm down


Bakugo changed Izuku's name to Deku

Bakugo: sorry I had to change your name for the better

Bakugo: ps I'm not sorry

Deku: of course your not

Uraraka: Hey Deku

Deku: hey how are you?

Uraraka: im good  

Bakugo: this is my chat now hush

Todoroki: I literally left my phone for 7 minuets to come back to this 🤦‍♀️

Bakugo changed Todoroki's name to Icy-Hot

Icy-Hot: how did I not see this coming

Jirou: it's bakugo expect the unexpected

Iida: if your expecting the unexpected doesn't that make the unexpected expected

Denki: that's kinda confusing

Jirou: well it's pretty easy to understand but for someone like you it's not

Denki: are you calling me dumb

Jirou: your words not mine I didn't say dumb

Iida: anyways I forgot to say Hello also it's Iida here your class Rep I hope this chat is about school and not irrelevant things because I don't want to be distracted

Momo: you know you didn't have to introduce yourself Iida we do already know who you are

Bakugo changed Iida's name the Buzzkill

Buzzkill has left chat

Kirishima: hey baby 💖

Bakugo: I missed you

Kirishima: I missed you too 😘

Bakugo: I love you

Mina: aww you guys are so cute I ship it so much

Kirkshima: oh shit this isn't are private chat

Sero: no swearing in my minecraft server

Bakugo: what took you so long?

Kirishima: it takes time to perfect this hair it doesn't just get this way magically

Bakugo: anyway I'm going we can talk in person

Bakugo has left chat

Kitishima has left chat

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