Jirou's chat part 3

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Jirou added Goth chicken, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Denki, Todoroki, Bakugo, Flex Tape, Deku, Mina and Aoyama

Jirou: Denki did I just see you eat Tokoyami's feathers

Denki: uh I wanted to know what it tasted like

Goth Chicken: what you ate my feathers

Denki: well I can confirm they don't taste that good

Jirou Chaged Goth Chicken's name to Tokoyami

Bakugo: what the fuck that was a great name

Tokoyami: thank you Jirou my name has been Goth Chicken since the first chat

Jirou: gotta help a fellow Goth

Kirshima: did I just read that right you ate his feathers Denki

Denki: yeah..

Kirishima: oh what did it taste like I wanna know?

Bakugo: kiri why the hell would you want to know

Kirishima: just curious

Denki: well it tasted like Hawks feathers

Jirou: wait a second YOU ATE HAWKS FEATHERS TO

Tokoyami: how did you get his feathers?

Denki: they were on the floor

Jirou: that's gross well this is all gross

Bakugo: let me guess you were curious

Denki: I wanted to compare his feathers to Tokoyami's to see who's better

Kirishima: who's better?

Denki: Tokoyami's feathers

Asui: what have I just read

Uraraka: I wonder that too

Kirishima: so what do hawks feather taste like?

Bakugo: Bro stop asking questions

Denki: like socks, cheese, sand and mustard

Asui: how do you know what socks and cheese taste like?

Denki: felt like eating those things

Shinso: and kissed you 20 minuets ago

Denki: you enjoyed it

Shinso: yeah before I knew what's been in your mouth

Denki: actually not much has been in my mouth today only Cereal, feathers, cum and water

Shinso: no don't tell them about the cum

Denki: oh that was an autocorrect I meant cone

Shinso: okay then forget what I said

Jirou: i don't think I can your all nasty

Shinso: what do you mean cone?

Denki: an ice cream cone but there was no ice cream

Bakugo: why the fuck am I friends with you

Denki: because why not

Jirou: I regret making this chat 🤢

Shinso: you should

Jirou: im sorry about this everyone this chat was a great mistake

Asui: it was a mistake

Denki: i think it was interesting I got to tell you some of the weird things I eat

Shinso: did you just say some as in there's more bad stuff you've eaten

Denki: yes want me to list them

Shinso: NO

Shinso: you should only eat food

Denki: okay fine

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