Bakugo's chat part 11

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Bakugo added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Denki, Deku, Shinso, Todoroki, Momo, Mina, Jirou, Sero, Iida, Aizawa and Aoyama

Bakugo: fuck you Deku I hate you

Deku: what did I do

Bakugo: you tried to beat me in training it doesn't matter anyway I won I always knew I'd beat your weak ass next time just quit it's easier

Deku: my father didn't raise me to be a quitter

Deku: actually my father didn't raise me at all 😔

Todoroki: I'll give you a pickup line to make you feel better

Todoroki: did you come from heaven? because your an angel

Bakugo: oh my fucking god icy-hot do you know how unoriginal that is

Denki: well Bakugo give us your pickup line

Bakugo: okay this one's for Deku

Deku: what? For me? Aww

Bakugo: were you born on a highway? because that's were most accidents happen

Aoyama: who the hell took my glitter pen?

Bakugo:  of course it's a fucking glitter pen 😒

Aoyama: dont make fun of my glitter pen the glitter is necessary

Bakugo: literally nothing is necessary about glitter it's annoying as fuck and you can't get it off yourself

Aoyama: it's necessary in my life I need it to live

Bakugo: no one needs glitter to live

Aoyama: well I'm telling you I do

Uraraka: Im sorry I was the on to take your pen I found it on the floor

Iida: why'd you take it

Uraraka: I dont have a pen

Momo: they are so cheap to buy


Denki: oof

Momo: I'm sorry okay you can have my pen I got like 30 more

Uraraka: 30! That's a lot

Iida: I have 84

Uraraka: I quit life

Deku: no your can't

Uraraka: aww at least deku cares

Deku: this is a bad time to say this but you still have my homework 😬

Uraraka: oh 😔

Asui: i care

Uraraka: thank you Tsu

Deku: see Asui cares

Asui: I told you to call me Tsu

Deku: sorry

Denki: let's lighten the mood

Bakugo: sometimes I like to make eye contact with people while chomping
Oh popsicles

Deku: I see, asserting dominance

Denki: I found a butterfly

Denki: I named her Kate

Denki: Kate flew away 😭

Bakugo: I guess Kate didn't like you

Denki: Kates back

Denki: Asui ate her 😭😭😭

Asui: call me TSU

Denki: you ate Kate

Asui: I was hungry

Denki: I'm making a funeral

Sero: can I come

Denki: of course bro

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