Bakugo chat part 7

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Bakugo added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Denki, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Iida, Sero, Jirou, Mina and Aoyama

Bakugo: this whole day you guys have been saying  "mood" or "same" or "me" after a threat now if that happens again I'll throw you out the window onto solid concrete

Kirishima: mood

Mina: same

Sero: me

Bakugo: okay that's it

Kirishima: don't be mad

Bakugo: to late

Denki: train then you can let your rage out on training

Bakugo: fine I'll do that

Mina: Denki your smart

Denki: yeah, I get called that a lot

Mina: smart?

Denki: no, Denki

Mina: 🤦‍♀️

Sero: hey Mina who's that cute girl across from you?

Mina: she's out of  your league, Sero

Sero: for your information I've been with a lot of cute girls

Mina: sexually?

Sero: this conversation is over

Bakugo: Hey Deku

Deku: your saying hey to me?

Bakugo: yes you

Bakugo: when I first met you I didn't like you at all

Deku: I'm aware of that

Bakugo: but then you and I spent sometime together

Deku: uh-huh

Bakugo: and it did not get any better

Deku: I know

Bakugo: like your just full on an annoying piece of shit and I hate you

Deku: okay I get it

Bakugo: I just hate you with every bone in my body I physically can't stand you

Deku: I said I get it

Todoroki: yeah shut the fuck up

Bakugo: 🙄

Deku: ow

Todoroki: what's wrong?

Iida: I know first aid

Uraraka: I'm calling the ambulance

Deku: guys calm down it literally a paper cut

Iida: as class rep I demand you to be more careful

Deku: I promise

Iida: good to hear

Aoyama: I have cheese it will help you feel better

Deku: no I'm okay it's literally a paper cut

Aoyama: it will taste amazing

Deku: I've already tasted it remember you did shove some in my mouth that day

Aoyama: oh yes I do remember I bet it was amazing

Deku: uh yeah it was nice

Aoyama: I'll bring some over you'll thank me later I mean who could resist my lovely cheese

Deku: I don't wanna trouble you

Aoyama: oh no no it will be no trouble at all

Deku uh okay then

Aoyama: you will not regret this decision in fact it will be the best decision you've made

Deku: if you say so

Aoyama: I do say so

Deku: I still don't think it's necessary

Aoyama: it's very necessary

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