Iida's chat

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Buzzkill added Goth chicken, Little Broccoli boy, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Bakuhoe, Icy-Hot, spiky Tomato, GayGoth, Baby Pikachu, Sero, pink cotton candy monkey and sparkle baguette

Iida: who's done the homework?

Baby Pikachu: we had homework?

Bakuhoe: just found out that the world doesn't revolve around me I'm a bit fucking pissed about it

Bakuhoe: kirishima I need you to revolve around me

Spiky Tomato: why?

Bakuhoe: because your my world

Pink cotton candy monkey: aww that was cute Bakugo

Spiky Tomato: I'm blushing

Buzzkill: this chat is for work

Buzzkill: now who else did it lets share are answers

Sero: bold of you to assume I did the homework

Little broccoli boy: I did my homework

Buzzkill: would you like to share your answers with everyone

Little broccoli boy: I'm busy

Uraraka: doing what?

Icy-Hot: me

Uraraka: wait what

Icy-Hot: you know exactly what I'm talking about

Little broccoli boy: Your not meant to tell the group chat that babe

Uraraka: babe!?!?!?!

Little broccoli boy: damn autocorrect I meant Todoroki

Buzzkill: how do you change names because I don't like mine

Buzzkill changed Buzzkills name to Iida

Iida: I figured it out

GayGoth: now change mine

Iida changed GayGoth's name to Jirou

Jirou: thank god

Little broccoli boy: can I go back to Deku

Iida changed Little broccoli boy to Deku

Bakuhoe: somebody left an IceCube on the floor it melted and now my sock is wet who the fuck wants to die

Icy-Hot: me it was me

Bakugo: your about to die Icy-hot

Icy-Hot: sounds like a solid plan to me

Bakuhoe: Iida id like you to change kirishima's name to kirishine

Iida changed Spiky Tomato to Kirishine

Kirishine: why that?

Bakuhoe: because you light up my world

Pink cotton candy monkey: stooooppp my heart can't takeeeee itttt

Iida changed pink cotton candy monkey to Mina

Baby Pikachu: who wants to hear a joke?

Bakuhoe: no

Jirou: no

Baby Pikachu: How do you ask a glass of water what it's doing?

Iida: a glass of water in an inanimate object and is incapable of having a thought process or understanding English

Baby Pikachu: water you doing

Bakuhoe: 🤦‍♀️

Iida: anyways guys were getting off topic we need to study did you guys forget we have an exam tomorrow

Sero: I don't care I'm going to fail anyways

Iida: you will with an attitude like that

Icy-Hot: eh I'll probably pass like always I don't have to worry

Deku: Hey Todoroki I learnt how to shoot a gun today now you got a man who can protect you

Icy-Hot: nothing sexier than a man who can put me out of my misery

Deku: don't be like that :( I love you

Mina: ooooo I also shippppp!!!

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