Shinso's chat

851 32 14

Shinso added Goth chicken, Bakuhoe Thotsuki, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Kirisunshine, Jirou, Todoroki, Denki, Flex Tape, Deku, Mina and Aoyama

Shinso: So Denki why do you have worms on your wall in a rainbow pattern

Denki: well you see I'm trying to give you hints that I want to gay with you

Shinso: um can't you just tell me like the worms aren't really necessary

Denki: NO the rainbow worms are necessary

Shinso: if you say so

Denki: I do say so

Kirisunshine: hey guys Uraraka said girls are better the boys tell her she's wrong

Flex Tape: she's wrong

Mina: girls rule boys drool

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: oh really? So if girls are better then boys, then why did god create man first?

Jirou: That is obvious. Everyone needs a rough draft before the final copy so that's why us females came second because god learned after making man there were mistakes to be fixed then the female was made

Momo: well I'd clearly like to state we won the argument

Mina: yeah end of discussion

Denki: you boys were beaten by girls ha

Flex Tape: your a boy too that means you were beaten as well

Denki: oh fuck I forgot I was a boy

Shinso: how the fuck do you forget

Denki: I can't help it when the only thing I think about is you

Shinso: you always impress me with your dumbass cheesy Jokes

Denki: I'm sad

Shinso: why is that my love?

Denki: I'm sad I'm not a banana


Iida: Because your generic code dictates that you are human. However, you should be pleased to know that you share 50 to 60 percent of your DNA with bananas.

Denki: oh wow thanks Iida

Flex Tape: are you saying some people are 10 percent more banana than other people?

Iida: yes I am

Kirisunshine: Hey can someone help me out with my homework?

Denki: wait, we had homework?

Uraraka: why is there a napkin stuck to the glass door?

Jirou: well I put it there because Denki won't stop running into the door, so I thought this would help

Asui: someone explain why Jirou wont stop laughing

Jirou: I was so wrong about the napkin helping him because all Denki said is "oh, cool! A floating napkin" then walked straight into the door and that was so funny

Shinso: you seem to only laugh when someone gets hurt

Momo: she does

Shinso: So do i

Iida: that's mean you shouldn't laugh at people's pain

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