Deku's chat part 10

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Denki added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, Sero, Jirou, Mina and Aoyama

Deku: Todoroki come to my room

Todoroki: are we going to study?

Deku: oh yeah we are going to study human biology

Todoroki: I don't take that class

Deku: it's a joke 🤦‍♀️

Todoroki: so what are we going to study?

Deku: nothing

Denki: is it even possible to study nothing

Jirou: don't you do that

Denki: I just don't study

Todoroki: so we aren't going to study?

Deku: No

Todoroki: then why am I coming to your room?

Bakugo: god I can't take this he obviously wants to fuck you Icy-Hot

Todoroki: oh uh

Deku: well get your ass over here

Todoroki: uh

Deku: mind if I say some pickup lines?

Iida: as long as there appropriate

Deku: of course 😉

Deku: Todoroki do you like whales

Todoroki: I guess

Deku: cool because we can go humpback in my room

Todoroki: ....

Bakugo: we all know your dumbass blushed 

Todoroki: you have no proof

Deku: I have another one

Deku: I'm not into watching sunsets but I'd love to see you go down


Todoroki: you feeling okay Midoriya

Deku: no I'm not feeling okay maybe you should come visit me

Todoroki: well if your sick I think it's better for me to stay away

Bakugo: 🤦‍♀️ how can you be so dumb

Bakugo: okay so since we are saying pickup lines I got one for kirishima

Kirishima: oh no these are never good

Bakugo: wanna say that to my face shitty hair

Kirishima: no 😅

Bakugo: that's what I thought

Bakugo: anyways my pickup line

Iida: this best be appropriate

Jirou: give up Iida it never is

Bakugo: roses are straight violets are twisted bend over my love your about to get fisted

Kirishima: Oh god

Iida: delete that message at once

Bakugo: no

Iida: how dare you I'm the class rep you are meant to listen to me

Deku: calm down Iida it's not that bad we are teenagers this stuff happens

Bakugo: so kiri I think you should come to my room

Kirishima: I'll be there soon

Deku: Todoroki why can't you be like that

Todoroki: I'm sorry I'm not good enough

Deku: you know what Im coming over to your room instead

Todoroki: uh okay then

Deku: be ready

Todoroki: what should I be ready for?

Deku: ME

Todoroki: okay

Iida: you better study

Deku: no promises

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