Mina's chat

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Mina added Goth chicken, Deku, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Buzzkill, Icy-Hot, Bakugo, Kirishima, Jirou, Denki, Sero and Aoyama

Mina: I just wanna say the last chat seemed like a lot of fun so I wanted to make my own

Uraraka: this sounds kinda fun

Mina: that's the kind of spirit we need to keep in this chat!

Asui: id like to know who Goth chicken and Buzzkill is Because I'm confused and is Todoroki Icy-Hot

Icy-Hot: yes

Icy-Hot has left chat

Buzzkill: I'm Buzzkill

Momo: she still doesn't know who you are

Buzzkill: I am Iida your class rep and I'd love to stay but I can't I'm busy and need to study

Goth chicken: I'm Tokoyami Bakugo changed my name to Goth chicken -_-

Buzzkill has left chat

Denki: Hey Whatssup my fellow class members

Deku: Hey Denki

Denki: Hey hows it going

Mina: guess what guys you know what would be cool

Bakugo: shut the fuck up

Mina: not even close to what I was going to say

Kirishima: Bakugo please be less aggressive

Bakugo: with what 😉

Kirishima: with the chat

Bakugo: ugh I guess I can try but I'm not making promises

Mina: as I was saying before we should put cute names for the chat

Bakugo: lame

Mina: I have to perfect name for you

Mina changed Bakugo's name to Bakuhoe

Bakuhoe: explain how this is perfect

Mina: I don't know but it's funny 😂

Sero: 😂😂

Mina changed Denki's name to baby Pikachu

Baby Pikachu: why not regular Pikachu?

Mina: because Baby Pikachu is cuter so deal with it

Jirou: ha your a baby

Sero: oof

Jirou: Mega oof

Aoyama: who wants to see a cut pic of me

Kirishima: nothing is cuter than Bakugo

Bakuhoe: I told you not to call me cute I AM Not cute

Bakuhoe: 😡

Kirishima: your cute when your mad

Momo: isn't Bakugo always mad

kirishima: exactly so he's always cute

Aoyama: does anyone care about my picture?

Bakuhoe: no one cares you sparkle baguette

Mina: I like that name

Mina changes Aoyama's to Sparkle baguette

Jirou: hahahahaha

Sparkle baguette: Seriously

Bakuhoe: be quiet sparkle boy

Sparkle baguette: I HAVE A NAME

Bakuhoe: eh 🤷‍♀️

Sero: did you know turtles breathe through their Butts

Asui: That was so random

Goth chicken: he's also correct

Momo: 🐢💨

Baby Pikachu: isneksnsandindumssjdnopow

Jirou: I don't speak dumbass

Sero: He said he sneezed and his powers activated and now he's dumb

Asui: you understood that?

Sero: yes

Jirou: what do you mean he's dumb now wasn't he always

Kirishima: please be quiet guys me and Bakugo are busy

Bakuhoe: what he meant is shut the fuck up!

Mina: oooo I have a name for kirishima

Kirishima: should I be scared I'm going to be scared the other names are bad

Mina changed Kirishima's name to Spiky Tomato

Spiky Tomato: 🤦‍♀️

Bakuhoe: I called him that the other day I think it's good

Spiky Tomato: shut it Bakuhoe

Deku: this is enjoyable

Bakuhoe: shut you little brat

Mina: is Deku the best you could think of Bakugo I'm changing that

Mina changed Deku's name to Little Broccoli boy

Bakuhoe: hahahahahaha

Cursed group chatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora