Mina's chat part 4

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Mina added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Denki, Deku, Shinso, Todoroki, Momo, Bakugo, Jirou, Sero, Iida and Aoyama

Mina: let's play Among us guys!

Denki: I always die first it's not fair

Bakugo: Well don't suck at it

Denki: well at least i don't play it on my phone like Uraraka

Uraraka: 😢

Kirishima: we should play

Mina: hell yeah

Deku: Kachan kills me everytimes I play

Bakugo: you deserved it ad next time don't cry and if you do turn your fucking mic off

Kirishima: hey Bakugo you know what would be sexy?

Bakugo: what?

Kirishima: eating off each other

Bakugo: you didn't do the dishes

Kirishima: I didn't 😔

Denki: get Momo to make a plate

Momo: hey I'm not a 3D printer

Momo: I'm not making plates do the dishes and don't be lazy

Kirishima: aww :(

Shinso: I'll brainwash Denki to do the dishes for you

Sero: we need to find away to do the dishes

Kirishima: we will solve this like adults

Uraraka: agree I ate ice cream with a knife last night because all the spoons were dirty

Denki: we will solve this like adults with a game of paper scissors rock to the death

Sero: okay let's hook

Deku: why don't you take turns with the dishes

Bakugo: no one cares for your opinion

Denki: aww man I lost

Uraraka: you literally pick rock everytime your so predictable

Denki: another round?

Sero: fine

Mina: why don't we call it paper scissors kirishima because he's basically a rock

Denki: I lost again damn it

Bakugo: your such a dumbass you only played rock again

Denki: fine I'll do the dishes 😭

Iida: wait your letting Kaminari do the dishes?

Sero: yeah why?

Iida: the last time he did chores the dishes were in the washing machine and the clothes were in the dishwasher

Jirou: what have I told you about letting him do things around the kitchen

Sero: well if he brakes all the dishes we will just buy new ones

Momo: are you guys that lazy to not wanna do dishes?

Sero: yes

Bakugo: I'm just saying none of this would happen if the fucking human 3D printer had made us some plates

Momo: maybe if you weren't so lazy and got off your ass you this wouldn't of happened I'm sick of being used to make everything

Bakugo: it's your fucking quirk use it to help

Momo: to help? Why would I help your lazy ass you all can't even do dishes without fighting

Bakugo: fuck you

Asui: whoa what happened to momo she was so sweet

Jirou: she still is she's just on badass mode and I love it

Mina: yessss Momo tell them how you really feel 👏👏👏👏

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