Bakugo's chat part 9

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Bakugo added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Deku, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Jirou, Denki, Aoyama, Sero and Iida

Bakugo: kirishima I have 30 missed calls from you

Kirishima: it hurts me you didn't answer a single one of my calls

Bakugo: Just tell me why you called me 30 times!

Kirishima: I was lonely

Bakugo: are you fucking kidding me 🙄

Kirishima: next time answer and I won't call 30 times

Bakugo: I hate you sometimes

Deku: think of the positive he only hates you sometimes. Kacchan hates me all the time

Denki: call me if your lonely next time 🙂

Kirishima: thanks bro

Mina: and call me to I love to chat I could talk all day if I wanted talking is so fun I love it

Kirishima: Bakugo be more like them

Bakugo: don't tell me what to do

Kirishima: I'm sorry

Bakugo: you should be

Deku: Kacchan your such a meanie

Bakugo: so what if I am huh? What are you going to do about it?

Deku: I will tell Mr Aizawa

Bakugo: do it I don't care

Deku: I will then

Todoroki: you should extremely exaggerate the story to get him into more trouble

Deku: that's not very nice

Bakugo: yeah Icy-Hot shut the fuck up

Iida: please use appropriate language



Denki: something tell me he's not actually sorry

Bakugo: oh really what gave you that idea?

Denki: no one will want to be your friend if your such an asshole to everyone

Bakugo: what did you just call me!!!

Denki: okay I called you asshole and i think everyone will agree

Kirishima: come on guys Bakugo May be mean but he has a heart too

Todoroki: Bakugo have a heart?

Bakugo: of course I do it's just not as sensitive as everyone else's

Denki: anyways I know this is irrelevant but  what's the answer for number 12 on the homework

Mina: most things you say are irrelevant Denki

Jirou: wait are you doing homework I'm shocked?!

Denki: aww come on guys someone give me the answer

Mina: I got 15

Deku: I got 19

Iida: I also got 19

Mina: aww man did I get it wrong?

Iida: yes you did

Mina: damn and I was so certain It was correct

Sero: excuse me the answer is 19 dang it I got Triangle

Iida: how is that possible to get an answer like that?

Sero: Skills

Bakugo: something you lack

Kirishima: be nice

Bakugo: um you don't completely suck

Sero: thanks I guess

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