Aoyama's chat part 2

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Aoyama added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Sero, Momo, Deku, Shinso, Todoroki, Mina, Jirou, Bakugo, Denki and Iida

Aoyama: you can say "have a nice day" and there'd be no problem

Aoyama: but you can't say "enjoy the next 24 hours" and not sound vaguely threatening

Deku: Aoyama it's 3am..

Todoroki: stop it

Deku: me?

Todoroki: yes whatever your worrying about just stop

Deku: how do you even know I'm worried your not even around me

Todoroki: I don't need to be near you to know what's going on with you

Uraraka: I mean Deku you do stress a lot so I wouldn't be surprised

Deku: okay I'm worried about Kacchan I can't find him anywhere and I've looked everywhere

Bakugo: oh that's funny, I've been avoiding you everywhere.

Jirou: Denki is washing the dishes and I just heard him say "who do you work for?" Repeatedly while pushing a glass under the water

Momo: least he's having fun?


Jirou: I'm just as surprised he takes part in any chores

Deku: shinso this is your 10th day of being up at 3am get sleep now!

Shinso: it's fine I got 8 minuets if sleep

Shinso: not consecutively but still fine you guys don't even look that blurry today

Deku: I've looked blurry to you before?

Shinso: oh definitely

Iida: that isn't healthy I demand you get sleep at once

Shinso: yeah that isn't happening

Iida: just be careful Shinso even you midoriya

Deku: I always am

Iida: I respectfully disagree

Deku: Shinso you know what you need?

Shinso: a life?

Deku: A hobby

Shinso: I have a hobby

Deku: being bitter isn't a hobby

Shinso: then I guess I don't have a hobby

Aoyama: you should share a hobby with me

Deku: and what exactly is your hobby?

Aoyama: putting glitter and sparkles on everything

Shinso: do I seem like the kind of guy to cover things in glitter

Aoyama: who knows maybe it'll brighten your dark soul

Shinso: um I'll pass

Deku: there are other things you can pick I have a hobby

Bakugo: breaking bones isn't a hobby Deku

Deku: I do it a lot

Iida: I know and I'm concerned for you

Shinso: Denki! Stop licking all my stuff

Denki: I licked it, so it's mine

Shinso:  that's not a thing!

Denki: is now

Shinso: no it's not

Iida: so Midoriya do you take constructive criticism?

Deku: not without crying

Bakugo: what a crybaby

Kirshima: you don't care for people crying?

Bakugo: no

Kirishima: you have to react when someone cries you can't just do nothing

Bakugo i do react

Bakugo: I roll my eyes

Kirshima: that doesn't count

Bakugo: yes it does so shut up

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