Uraraka's Chat

693 23 18

Uraraka added Goth chicken, Bakuhoe Thotsuki, Deku, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Jirou, Todoroki, Denki, Kirisunshine, Flex Tape, Mina and Aoyama

Uraraka: Hey Deku theres 21 letters in the alphabet right?

Deku: no it's 26

Uraraka: oh I forgot U,R,A,Q,T

Deku: actually you forgot I,M,G,A,Y

Todoroki: back off my man

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: Deku is no man

Todoroki: true

Deku: Todoroki don't agree with him

Uraraka : It's okay your a man Deku

Deku: thank you

Todoroki: Uraraka has a crush on you Deku

Uraraka: no we are just friends

Todoroki: I know that but she wishes she was more but you can't have him because he's mine

Uraraka: shut up Todoroki no one asked for your opinion

Deku: don't be mean to Todoroki

Todoroki: it's okay I can handle it

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: at least someone can handle things in your relationship because Deku sure can't

Todoroki: he handles my dick pretty well

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: that's gay

Kirisunshine: you can't talk your all over my dick basically everyday

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: well when I do it's not gay

Todoroki: you fucking idiot You having sex with kirishima is obviously gay

Uraraka: what does Todoroki have that I don't Deku

Deku: A dick

Uraraka: oh...

Todoroki: you can try stealing him when you come back with a dick

Denki: is she just going to steal someone else's dick!?!

Jirou: no you idiot

Todoroki: no it's a joke Denki she's not literally going out to get a dick to steal Deku from me

Uraraka: I might

Denki: 😮

Todoroki: So your going to change your gender now?

Uraraka: yep

Momo: you don't have the money for that

Uraraka: I'll get there

Todoroki: you might as well give up on you dreams of being with Deku because you know it's not happening

Iida: don't change your gender over Deku you can find someone better

Deku: excuse me

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: yeah find someone who's less of a crybaby

Shinso: Denki come over to my room

Denki: 3 words 8 letters and I'm yours

Shinso: I got cake

Denki: I'm all yours now

Shinso: you always were

Jirou: I got cake that's all it took to be yours I thought it was going to be I love you

Denki: I love you isn't 8 letters

Jirou: yes it is you dumbass

Denki: oh yeah it is

Jirou: 🤦‍♀️

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: ha Shinso You date a complete Dumbass

Shinso: he's not a complete dumbass he's just not the brightest

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