Denki's chat part 8

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Denki added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, Sero, Jirou, Mina and Aoyama

Denki: I have a twin

Denki: wait maybe it's a clone

Jirou: one of you is enough

Denki: I've always wanted another me

Jirou: you sure there's another you?

Denki: yes he was right in front of me

Shinso: you were looking in the mirror again weren't you

Denki: yes because I wanted to see my twin

Bakugo: you dumbass that's your reflection

Denki: so there isn't two of me? 😔

Shinso: no

Jirou: thank god

Denki: if I had another of me I'd stay in my room I'd force other me to go to school

Todoroki: if I had another me we'd help kill our father then ourselves

Deku: that's horrible you think that way

Todoroki: oh well

Deku: how many times do we have to talk about this

Todoroki: obviously not enough

Mina: you don't want a twin or a clone like what happens if it kills you and becomes evil and takes over the world

Todoroki: even better if it kills me

Denki: my clone is nice

Mina: they always start nice then bam evil

Jirou: this is Denki we are talking about he's not smart enough to successfully do that

Sero: Mina you've been watching to many of those movies

Mina: maybe I have but the twin/clone always turns evil so I'd watch out

Iida: movies are fake and usually have very unrealistic situations so I wouldn't worry

Denki: I really wanted another me his name would be Denki

Iida: that's not very original plus giving him the same name as you isn't the best idea

Jirou: it's Denki he's not smart enough to come up with something original

Bakugo: why are we still going on about this there was never a twin or a clone

Shinso: exactly this is just Denki not realising how mirrors and reflection work

Denki: well my reflection is such a copycat

Bakugo: 🤦‍♀️

Kirishima: I just chocked on a banana

Bakugo: that's because you can handle things big

Kirishima: well I can handle you are you calling your self small


Kirishima: I'm joking no need to get angered about it

Bakugo: I'm not angered I'm totally chill

Todoroki: that's such a lie

Bakugo: shut the fuck up

Todoroki: oh yeah that's so chill

Bakugo: your a pain in the ass

Todoroki: your more of a pain in the ass

Kirishima: stop talking about anal

Bakugo: not that kind of pain in the ass

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