Mina's chat part 3

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Mina added Tokoyami, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, Sero, Jirou, Denki and Aoyama

Mina: how does my phone know

Uraraka: know what?

Mina: know I was sleeping

Denki: mine did that once too

Sero: same here it was blasting a loud tune and telling me to get up

Iida: guys that's called an alarm

Mina: what does my phone have against me sleeping

Momo: you guys must of set this up on your phone or how else would it of gotten there

Mina: so I did this

Momo: yes you guys must of forgotten about it

Mina: what do I have against me

Iida: that made no sense

Denki: I'm not smart enough to set stuff up on my phone

Shinso: I know that's why I helped you

Denki: oh makes sense

Sero: I think Deku has an alarm and I'm pretty sure it's of All Might talking

Bakugo: lame

Deku: there's nothing wrong with waking up to the sound of All Might

Bakugo: saying that just made it worse

Deku: it was the only sound I liked

Bakugo: next time just pick the default one so your not so lame oh wait you you'll never not be lame

Deku: but the default sound is so basic

Bakugo: who gives a fuck

Deku: I do i have to wake up to it everyday I wanna wake up to something good

Bakugo: whatever I don't care be lame

Deku: It's not lame to me

Bakugo: it's lame

Iida: guys it doesn't matter

Denki: I set my alarm to play the Spongebob theme song

Bakugo: that's what a little kid would do

Denki: who to say I'm not a little kid

Shinso: I mean he has the mind of a 5 year old

Deku: guys someone taped Mineta to the wall and left him

Bakugo: I saw that

Iida: and you didn't help him

Bakugo: why would I do that

Iida: because it's a nice thing to do

Kirishima: Bakugo doesn't exactly do nice things

Sero: oh are we talking about Mineta sorry that was me

Sero: actually I'm not sorry he was trying to perv on the girls change room again so I think he deserved it

Mina: oh thank you Sero

Iida: you can't do that

Mina: yes he can it's Mineta

Jirou: she has a point it is Mineta

Asui: you can't expect us to allow Mineta to these kind of things and expect no punishment

Iida: good point

Jirou: Asui you actually reasoned with Iida over Punishing Mineta wow

Asui: I did?

Mina: you did!

Asui: even Iida knows Mineta deserves it

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