Denki's Chat part 4

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Denki added Todoroki, Deku, Shinso, Kirisunshine And Bakuhoe Thotsuki

Denki: i can't believe we were all had sex together

Denki: can believe you took my idea for once especially that sex line idea where we each put are dicks into Each other

Kirisunshine: believe it because it happened

Deku: my Butt hurts why did Bakugo have to be behind me in the sex line

Denki: it was just an idea the order didn't have to go Todoroki, Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, me and shinso

Shinso: it was enjoyable I guess I like one on one sex way better

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: your a little bitch Deku can't handle my big dick energy huh?

Deku: well I take Todoroki's and that's pretty big but he's not as aggressive

Denki: I liked it not because well it was my idea I liked it because it was fun Anyways I'm up for it again not because I'm horny

Shinso: it's definitely because your horny

Kirisunshine: wait if we do this again will there be a warning because we were meant to count to 5 and put it in but Denki did it at 3

Denki: couldn't wait

Todoroki: Also can I switch with Deku because I prefer it that way

Deku: I guess we can switch

Todoroki: can you also give me a warning if your behind me because a shit load of your dick juice just enters but my butt out of no where like you could say it's coming Deku

Deku: sorry I was but it was to late

Denki: dick juice?

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: I don't mind Kiri's Manly juices in me

Shinso: god just say cum

Denki: does this count as cheating

Todoroki: not if your in an open relationship

Denki: should we add more to the sex line?

Todoroki: no because Minetas only into girls and iida and shoji would never and Aoyama is to in to himself, Sero is always sleeping or doing dumb shit And Tokyami would say no

Denki: I'd be genuinely terrified if I was fucked by Tokyami it probably would be bad but it sounds scary

Denki: we need a cool name

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: like what?

Denki: the butt fuckers

Shinso: um no

Denki: The lovers fucking under the covers

Shinso: do we really need a name?

Denki: cum squad

Todoroki: please stop

Denki: pleasures and extreme measures

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: if you don't stop your butt will be so sore you won't be able to sit for a week

Shinso: don't hurt him

Bakuhoe Thotsuki: I'll choke both of you

Todoroki: that's kinky

Denki: nothing wrong with kinky

Shinso: why did I agree to all this 🤦‍♀️

Denki: I know you loved it

Shinso: only a little bit

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