Iida's chat part 2

447 16 14

Iida added Tokoyami, Sero, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Deku, Shinso, Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Bakugo, Jirou, Denki, Aoyama and Aizawa

Iida: Mr Aizawa why did I see a cat walk out of you room

Aizawa: I don't know what your talking about what cat

Iida: there was a cat in you room

Denki: hey you told me we couldn't have pets in the dorm

Aizawa: It's Present Mic's cat

Iida: I'll add him to confirm that

Iida added Present Mic to the chat

Iida: now Present Mic do you own a cat

Present Mic: no Aizawa does

Aizawa: 🤦‍♀️

Denki: ha so it is your cat

Present Mic: he takes them off the streets

Iida: that's a violation of the rules Mr Aizawa

Aizawa: I'm the teacher I'm allowed

Mina: that's so unfair

Aizawa: sorry it is what it is

Denki: I'm telling Nezu to see how he feels about this

Denki: can I name the cat?

Aizawa: if you don't tell nezu I'll let you name it

Denki: deal

Iida: Denki! Don't

Sero: in his defence that cats adorable

Present Mic: aren't you happy they don't know about the other cats

Aizawa: you idiot they know now

Uraraka: oooo can I have one

Mina: oooo me too

Iida: how many is there!!

Present Mic: 6

Iida: what!!

Aizawa: um bye

Iida: you can't leave

Aizawa left chat

Iida: how dare he just leave

Present Mic: I mean there's totally not 6 other cats

Iida: your not a good lier

Iida added Aizawa to the chat

Aizawa: seriously what do you expect me to do with these cats then Iida

Iida: get rid of them have you thought about it someone could be allergic

Mina: I hope it's Minata

Iida: Mina!

Mina: well can we test it

Jirou: yes you can

Iida: Jirou! Don't say that

Aizawa: leave mr sparkles alone Mina

Mina: you named him Mr sparkles that's adorable

Todoroki: that's a dumb cat name

Aizawa: you take that back and say sorry

Todoroki: I'm sorry

Aizawa: not to me to my cat

Todoroki: uh okay..

Present Mic: yeah don't mess with Aizawa's cats

Bakugo: meh there just cats who gives a fuck about them

Iida: watch your language

Aizawa: I give a fuck

Iida: Mr Aizawa you can't say that

Aizawa: I can't this is my cats we are on about this is an important matter

Present Mic: we lost Peanut Butter

Denki: I ate it

Aizawa: YOU ATE MY CAT???

Denki: oh I thought you were talking about peanut butter as in the food

Bakugo: now that's a dumb name for a cat

Aizawa: your grounded for being mean to my cats goodbye

Aizawa left chat

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