Mina's chat 2

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Mina added Goth chicken, Deku, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Denki, Jirou, Todoroki, Kirisunshine, Flex Tape, Shinso, Bakugo and Aoyama

Mina: only positive vibes allowed in this chat

Asui: you know that's going to be hard for someone *cough* Bakugo

Bakugo: you wanna go you fucking frog

Mina: nope this isn't allowed in my chat

Mina: let's say nice things to each other I'll go first

Mina: Aoyama I love your new heart shaped glasses, they're very festive.

Aoyama: I'm in love

Mina: with who??

Aoyama: myself

Mina: I should of seen that coming

Bakugo: I wanna go next

Mina: I knew you had it in you to be nice

Bakugo: kirishima I like your dick it's the second biggest I've seen

Kirisunshine: who's is bigger?

Bakugo: mine obviously

Kirisunshine: I'm measuring mine to prove it's bigger

Bakugo: I know mine is

Kirisunshine: I'm measuring yours too not because I wanna touch your dick well maybe that but because you might lie or cheat

Bakugo: sure you can touch my dick any day 😉😉

Mina: I said positive vibes not horny men vibes

Denki: I wanna go next

Mina: okay but remember positive vibes

Deku: you better kick todoroki out of the chat then he's not positive

Todoroki: i can be positive

Deku: prove it

Todoroki: I'm positive I want to die

Deku: Todoroki no!

Todoroki: I'm positive I'm going to fuck you tonight

Mina: no not in my chat

Denki: can I still go next

Mina: yes tell us something positive

Denki: well I'm happy I have a great friend like Sero

Flex Tape: aww thanks

Mina: that's the spirit Denki!

Denki: In fact we are such good friends we shared a toothbrush last year

Flex Tape: I was no aware of that

Denki: well we did.

Mina: well okay Denki

Mina: everyone remember live the fullest and be in the moment!

Deku: I am in the moment! It's a terrible moment!

Mina: noo :(

Asui: it's okay Mina your doing your best

Mina: thank you

Iida: Bakugo stop fighting Midoriya

Kirisunshine: not again, you gotta stop getting in fights with people

Bakugo: I can't help it these hands are rated E for everyone.

Iida: it doesn't work like that

Bakugo: are you sure?

Iida: I'm 100% sure I think over everything before saying it and I'm right basically every time

Bakugo: nerd

Iida: are you making fun of me for being smart?

Bakugo: yeah so..

Iida: that's so dumb you can't do that

Bakugo: wanna bet because I'm pretty sure I can

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