Denki's Chat part 5

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Denki added Goth chicken, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Jirou, Todoroki, Bakugo, Flex Tape, Deku, Mina and Aoyama

Denki: Bakugo, why are you holding Kirishima's hand

Bakugo: holding hands relives stress and provides comfort

Denki: oh I thought you two were dating or something

Bakugo: we are, I thought that part was obvious

Denki: okay well I got to go iron Shinso's cat

Shinso: wait a minute


Denki: okay I'll do it another time

Shinso: no don't do it like ever

Denki: okay

Shinso: thank you

Bakugo: who even says something like that your going to iron his cat how the fuck do you do that

Denki: cats get cold and I don't know irons are warm so you know

Bakugo: no I don't know plus who said cats are cold

Bakugo: what are you 12

Denki: yeah on a scale from 1 to 10

Bakugo: you aren't smart enough to have a come back like that

Denki: oh Shinso wrote it

Shinso: your not suppose to tell him that

Uraraka: Deku come into the kitchen with me

Deku: okay

Todoroki: no it's a trap

Deku: what? How?

Uraraka: shut up Todoroki

Todoroki: Uraraka put mistletoe on the roof and so she can kiss you because you know apparently if your under mistletoe you have to kiss but I believe it's a bunch of bullshit

Deku: well then maybe I should be seeing you in the kitchen

Todoroki: under the mistletoe 😉

Deku: of course

Uraraka: Todoroki your mean

Todoroki: and your just a basic bitch who comes up with the most dumbest of traps

Uraraka: So Asui..

Asui: uh yeah

Uraraka: I like you

Bakugo: oh so your type is like green hair

Uraraka: no I very much love Asui because she's beautiful and an amazing friend

Asui: well I love you too

Uraraka: So you wanna date?

Asui: yeah sure

Mina: bro I'm so lonely

Flex Tape: same

Deku: So is All Might come to think of it I don't think All Might ever been with anyone

Bakugo: no one cares about All Might I'm going to be better then him one day

Deku: I care about All Might

Bakugo: yeah we know as your room is covered in pictures and Toys of him

Deku: there not toys there action figures

Bakugo: I don't give a crap

Deku: well I do so if your going to talk shit at least say it right

Bakugo: oh shut the fuck up

Todoroki: your the one who should shut the fuck up because your the one always yelling

Iida: imma start adding teachers in these chats if you don't stop being mean to each other


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