Denki's Chat part 6

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Denki added Goth chicken, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Jirou, Todoroki, Bakugo, Flex Tape, Deku, Mina and Aoyama

Denki: Hey Guys I dont think kirishima's waterproof

Iida: What?

Flex Tape: I think he means kirishima is drowning

Iida: oh okay


Kirishima: it's okay Bakugo saved me

Bakugo: I sure did 😉

Kirshima: you know I didn't need mouth to mouth

Bakugo: I did it just in case you can never be to safe

Todoroki: when the fuck are you ever safe

Bakugo: when kirishima's life's on the line

Kirshima: aw babe

Iida: hey no pet names

Denki: there human names not pet names

Shinso: I wonder how I got with you

Iida: your taken?

Shinso: yeah for granted

Denki: well Shinso a hot man like you I couldnt help but swoop in and get a piece

Shinso: just stop talking

Denki: I love you

Shinso: I guess I should say it I love you too

Denki: you make me happy

Jirou: everything makes you happy

Iida: I can confirm that I saw you eat pizza rolls for breakfast last week and you'd were happy the whole day

Denki: pizza rolls are the best

Iida: or that time you saw a rainbow and that made your whole day better

Mina: I think that's a good thing and it balances out Shinso depresso moods so it works and that's why you guys are so cute together

Jirou: I don't know Mina like Shinso is always tired and he has no energy plus he's always sad and Denki is an energetic crazy person who is always happy

Mina: yeah but I think Denki's mood is rubbing off on Shinso like I saw him smile a few time

Denki: Jirou your just jealous you can't have all this

Jirou: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢

Jirou: anyways why would I need you when I have a beautiful girl like Momo

Momo: aww Jirou I love you

Denki: be careful you might get pregnant

Momo: you do realise we are both girls

Denki: yeah I know and girls get pregnant

Jirou: no Denki you need a guy

Denki: Guys don't get pregnant

Jirou: no you need a guy to get a girl pregnant

Denki: oh I remember now I hardly remember anything from Present Mic's Sex Ed class

Jirou: you were asleep almost the whole time

Sero: you missed All Might's and Aizawa's big fight about who was going to teach the class and in the end They voted present Mic which wasnt the best option but like he was the only one willing to do it

Jirou: He couldnt even look at the diagram of the naked man Because he said that was classified as cheating on Aizawa

Denki: I remember the Donut and sausage demonstration

Asui: I have Nightmares from that

Uraraka: I have Nightmares from Present Mic explaining baby making progress

Jirou: oh yeah I'll never be able to forget that

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