LOV chat

423 13 16

Toga added Dabi, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Twice, Spinner and Mr Compress

Toga: I put all the interesting members that would actually talk everyone else is boring 🙂

Dabi: you've seemed very happy today this is usually a bad sign

Toga: I gave Tomura a Make-over while he was sleeping, and he looks gorgeous

Shigaraki: is that why I was getting weird looks

Kurogiri: yes ma'am that would be correct

Shigaraki: I hope you feel good

Toga: I feel stabbing

Shigaraki: we've talked about this stabbing isn't an emotion

Shigaraki: an emotion is more of a feeling

Toga: well maybe I feel stabby

Kurogiri: this isn't going to work Ma'am

Shigaraki: I swear to god I'll disintegrate you if you call me ma'am again for having makeup on

Dabi: no one cares

Shigaraki: request for you not to be a bitch.

Dabi: request denied.

Twice: I'm going to do a tarot card reading for you!

Dabi: those are just Pokémon cards.

Twice: Oh, look, Dabi! You got a Bidoof! That means fuck you.

Shigaraki: everyone remembers the plan?

Mr Compress: yes you don't need to go on about it

Shigaraki: okay well the point is we need to try it

Dabi: but that's illegal

Shigaraki: ...

Dabi: I'm just fucking with you, I'm in

Shigaraki: why are you like this?

Dabi: I used too much "no more tears" shampoo as a child and I've felt no emotion since

Spinner: was the knife really necessary Toga

Toga: A Lady should always accessorise

Shigaraki: okay let's practice the correct responses for being stabbed with a knife

Kurogiri: rude

Dabi: that's fair

Toga: are you going to want this back?

Shigaraki: not again that's not what you say

Shigaraki: we need to talk about this

Dabi: the building was already on fire

Shigaraki: what?

Dabi: what?

Shigaraki: I just wanted to talk about what you said before

Kurogiri: you burnt down a building?

Dabi: yes

Toga: good job High five

Shigaraki: if I were to high five you, you would be dead

Dabi: sounds fun

Shigaraki: Dabi your not coming to my tea party?

Dabi: no

Shigaraki: but Dabi I make biscuits

Dabi: I made those

Shigaraki: and you fucking burnt them you dumbass

Dabi: fuck your tea party I'm glad I burnt your damn biscuits

Shigaraki: clearly aren't tea party ready you don't deserve to be at my tea party

Dabi: I never wanted to be here in the first place you kidnapped me in my sleep

Shigaraki: well fuck you

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