Present Mic's Chat

611 37 11

Present Mic added Aizawa, Goth chicken, kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Shinso, Jirou, Todoroki, Bakugo, Flex Tape, Deku, Denki, Mina and Aoyama

Present Mic: hey everyone

Aizawa: Mic! It's 2am

Present Mic: So who wants to play a game!

Aizawa: don't wake the students up 🤦‍♀️

Mina: I wanna play

Denki: me too

Flex Tape: and me

Kirishima: sounds fun I'm in

Present Mic: All right let have some fun

Mina: woohoo

Aizawa: no go back to bed everyone

Present Mic: but the game..

Aizawa: there's school tomorrow!

Present Mic: who cares

Shinso: I'll play I have nothing better to do

Todoroki: I'll guess I'll play it will kill some time

Present Mic: Yes! More players

Aizawa: you should all be sleeping

Present Mic: but they wanna play my game

Aizawa: no Mic

Present Mic: you should play might as well while your here

Aizawa: no

Present Mic: well you'll miss out

Aizawa: I doubt that

Present Mic: let's start we will write a story like I'll say a sentence then some else will and then it will go in order

Present Mic: someone start

Aizawa: one day there were 6 kids that listened to their teacher and went to bed like there were meant to

Present Mic: alright Aizawa your gonna play that's cool

Mina: I'll go next

Mina: that's what the teacher thought but little does he know there still awake

Shinso: the 6 kids decided to all leave there rooms late at night

Present Mic: they went to the cafeteria to steal some food


Flex Tape: but he was nice and he helped us cook s'mores and they were good

Todoroki: but that was all a trap as he suddenly eats one of the kids named Todoroki

Kirshima: then one kid was brave enough to fight the dragon and he won

Present Mic: Aizawa it's your turn

Aizawa: I'm not playing

Present Mic: okay but the story must go on!

Present Mic: it's your turn Mina

Mina: the dragon flew away as he realised he was no match for the kids

Shinso: one kid ate another s'more but the s'mores was poisoned and he became very ill very fast and died

Present Mic: the teacher walks in and  sprinkles magical fairy powder on you and you were alive again


Flex Tape: but then the kid who was eaten appeared behind the teacher

Todoroki: he had battled his way out of the dragon but couldn't stay alive as he fell to the ground

Kirshima: one of the kids wished this night never happened

Mina: and his wish came true as everyone was back in there bed like nothing ever happened

Shinso: the end

Aizawa: I can hear you crying Mic

Present Mic: it was just such a lovely story and it ended happy it couldn't help myself

Aizawa: 🤦‍♀️

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