Aizawa's chat

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Aizawa added Goth chicken, Bakugo, Uraraka, Asui, Momo, Iida, Denki, Jirou, Todoroki, Kirisunshine, Flex Tape, Shinso, Mina, present Mic, Deku and sparkle baguette

Aizawa: I wanted to ask if anyone needed changes to there hero outfits because I'm going going down to the outfit design room in UA tomorrow and I can tell them your ideas

Goth chicken: im fine with mine

Goth chicken: well anything in black will do

Goth chicken: or anything very very dark grey

Iida: id like to come with you sir so I can discuss my ideas personally

Aizawa: fine

Uraraka: I'm coming too

Aizawa: I'd also like to say Tokoyami please get out of the tree in front of the school

Goth chicken: this is my home now.

Aizawa: Tokoyami-

Goth chicken: Caw Caw, bitch.

Aizawa: get down!

Deku: id come to with you Iida and Uraraka but I broke my leg

Aizawa: seriously your so fucking horrible at using your quirk

Present Mic: stop it, Midoriya isn't horrible

Aizawa: they are all horrible with everything not just Midoriya

Present Mic: you can't say that

Aizawa: too late already said it there teenagers they are all horrible there's no excuse

Present Mic: your sleeping bag is so comfortable

Aizawa: how do you know that?

Present Mic: I was in it instead of working

Aizawa: this is why I believe I'm the most responsible hero

Present Mic: didn't you set the kitchen on fire yesterday?

Aizawa: yes and I take responsibility for that

Iida: Bakugo

Bakugo: what!

Iida: you can't kill Denki because he said he's boyfriend is better

Bakugo: I can because kirishima is better

Denki: no shinso is


Bakugo: I'm always right

Denki: well I gotta go

Shinso: yeah we busy

Aizawa: whoa you and Denki are together now

Shinso: yep

Present Mic: 😱

Denki: I forgot to ask you Mr Aizawa we need more laundry sauce

Aizawa: more what?

Denki: you know like the stuff you use to wash clothes

Aizawa: you mean detergent

Denki: yeah but it's more like sauce for clothes

Aizawa: 🤦‍♀️ your not allowed to say words anymore

Kirisunshine: how is everyone today?

Bakugo: I only feel one emotion and it is anger

Kirisunshine: last night you drunk texted everyone a hundred heart emojis

Bakugo: our of anger.

Aizawa: excuse me drunk texted?

Kirisunshine: oh shit

Kirisunshine: shit I didnt mean to swear

Bakugo: you fucking dickhead you swore again

Kirisunshine: you fucking swore too

Todoroki: fucking stop it

Bakugo: this is bullshit you just made it worse

Aizawa: .....

Iida: this is nonsense stop it

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