Lov chat part 2

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Toga added Dabi, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Twice, Spinner and Mr Compress

Toga: I just saw Shigaraki using chapstick

Dabi: your clearly seeing things that crusty ass old man definitely would never use chapstick

Kurogiri: I think it was actually a glue stick

Toga: oh that makes sense

Dabi: that makes less sense

Shigaraki: got a problem with it you burnt piece of shit

Twice: sing the song Toga

Toga: come on Barbie, let's go party

Dabi: imma Barbie Bitch sucking mad dick life in plastic ITS FANTASTIC

Toga: I wannted to sing that part 😕

Dabi: well I don't care

Toga: I don't regret stabbing you last week

Twice: the lyrics weren't even right

Dabi: shut up

Dabi: I don't get to choose my biological family

Twice: you don't get to choose your found family either! Saddle up bitch

Toga: you know you made it when you see your picture up everywhere you go

Dabi: those are wanted posters

Kurogiri: So Tomura mind if I ask about the skull in your room?

Shigaraki: sure. Which one?

Kurogiri: how many do you have?

Shigaraki: 47

Dabi: nice I have 69

Toga: you don't have that many

Dabi: okay I just wanted to say 69

Toga: So immature

Dabi: your the one that plays with Deku in out basement so shut up

Toga: that doesn't make me immature that makes me a kidnapper

Toga: can I ask an awkward question?

Dabi: do you know any other kind?

Toga: do you guys usually cry when you jerk off?

Dabi: what?....

Toga: I was jerking Deku off yesterday in the basement and he started crying half way through it was so cute

Toga: Tomura, is it Normal for guys to cry when they jerk off?

Shigaraki: yes

Toga: thank you

Toga: well imma go back down to the basement

Dabi: oh No

Kurogiri: this is the 8th person this week she's kidnaped

Toga: I like this one

Dabi: I don't think he feels the same way

Toga: yes he does

Dabi: he's tied up in are basement crying I don't think he likes you very much


Toga: he's just not that great at showing emotions

Dabi: he literally does not stop crying

Toga: he's perfect 😡🔪

Dabi: he's definitely not perfect


Dabi: you already did that last week

Toga: and I'll do it again

Dabi: I'll roast your fucking ass

Twice: kinky

Dabi: oh shut the fuck up you

Twice: that was so mean 😢

Toga: aww Twice don't worry Dabi is just an asshole

Dabi: i hate you all

Shigaraki: the feeling mutual

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