Gray x Lucy- Paying Bail

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It was 2am at night, in a small town called magnolia where practically everyone knew each other. Lucy heartphilia was driving home a bit tipsy from a party with her hair down and in a tight, short black dress. Lucy must've not seen a stop sign or was over the sped limit because she was being pulled over by a cop and there were only two in the small town, one that worked the day and one that worked the night.

She pulls over to the side as the cop gets out and walks up to her window as she rolls it all the way down and adjusts hers deep neck to show more cleavage. There was only one way out of this and that was to seduce him.

As the officer came up to the window he shines a bright light on her using his flashlight to blind her. He then says, "Lucy? What the hell do you have any idea on how fast you were going? You even broke two stop signs."

Lucy recognises that deep and sexy voice belonging to none other than officer gray fullbuster. They went to high school together, she had a huge crush on him and he wanted to bang her but nothing happened. She then said, "Gray. So you're working the night huh? Long time no see."

It had been years since they saw each other and all gray could do was look at her gorgeous face and tempting rack as she showcased it even more. He then said, "Well it has been a long time and we see each other during an arrest huh?"

Lucy gets surprised as she says, "Arrest? Can't you just let me off with a warning please." She then pushed her breasts more as she tried seducing him. She then continued, "Come on you're actually gonna take me to jail? At least take me to dinner before that, handsome. I see you haven't lost your good looks and charms." She then winks at him.

Gray smirks as he catches onto what she's trying to do and gets an idea. He then says, "Are you drunk?" She shakes her head no, but gray pulls out the breathalyser and puts it to her mouth that he rubs it on her lips. Lucy just wraps her lips in a seducing way around it, gray just groans, this was gonna be a long process. He then checks the device and sees she's had alcohol. He then says, "Lucy heartphilia you are under arrest and will be spending the night in jail. You can pay bail but in the morning."

Lucy is shocked as she is manhandled out of the car and pushed over the trunk of her car with her ass sticking out and gray pressing himself into it as he handcuffs her. She can feel him grind on her and she feels his clothed crotch as he smirks. She then says, "What? Seriously come on."

Gray just says, "You were driving under the influence. You broke two stop signs. And also...." he leans over squeezing her ass between them more and pressing his chest on her back as he says directly in her ear, "you tried to seduce an officer on duty." Lucy just glares as he locks her car and gathers her belonging and drags her to his car where he drives off.

**Timeskip to the police station**

Gray put her in the empty cell and took off her handcuffs as he locks her in. He then proceeds to put her belongings in a box and starts filling out a form. The police station is empty as gray is the only cop working tonight and Lucy is the only prisoner so both of them were currently alone.

Lucy just sat in the cell looking at gray and reminiscing about high school and how much better looking he got. He was definitely more muscular and his looks got better too. She then said, "How long will I be here for? Can't I just pay bail right now and get it over with already?"

Gray just looked up at her and said, "Well to pay bail you gotta spend the night here. And also all the things you did are going on a criminal record too so sit tight."

Lucy's eyes widen as she says, "Criminal record? Come on gray just let me off with a warning please."

Gray smirks as he finishes his work, he then says, "Well I could rip this piece of paper and let you go. But what will I get out of it?"

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