Ψ Chapter 18 • Dangerous Waters Ψ

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Under the Siren's Spell
Chapter 18:
"Dangerous Waters"


I wake up in a cold sweat, panicked out of my mind. My eyes dart around my cabin. Something feels wrong. The ocean is mad, but it's also warning.

The noises and cries from the sea animals all around cause me to develop a massive migraine. Everyone is talking over each other, so I don't know what's going on. All I know is that something isn't right.

I feel hands on me. "Xander?"

Instinctively, I wrap myself around Ryder. "The ocean is trying to tell me something, but I can't discern what it's saying. All I feel is the sense of danger. We need to go with Charlie and round up the crew."

Ryder nods and stands up. "I doubt you have trouble with sea monsters, so could it be a storm? Another ship?" He asks while getting dressed.

"There's no telling. Everyone is too panicked. Only Charlie can tell me what's going on." I open the port hole, strong winds slamming it open. "There's a storm too. Our visibility is greatly impaired. Zeus and Poseidon are quarreling."

"Shit, let's get Charlie then." Ryder grabs my hand. "And, Xander... I may need my weapons."

"Was already planning on it."

He nods and follows me out the door, holding my hand in a deathgrip to keep steady in the storm.

We walk to Charlie's cabin and enter to find it empty. "Oh, fuck."

"They're both gone!" Ryder says worriedly. "Where did they go? Is there someone we can ask?"

I start pacing. "If Charlie tells anyone, it's always me. So no one knows where he is except Ethan." My hands tangle in my hair.

Minutes pass before I hear heavy footsteps and I whirl around to see Charlie, naked and exhausted, riding Ethan's back who is also naked and has sea jewelry adorning his brown hair.

"Oh, hey." He says awkwardly.

Ryder gasps quietly. "He showed him his tail."

Charlie blushes and my eyes widen.


"We're in danger," Charlie announces. "Xander, you're in charge. Get everyone armed and prepare for battle."

"Battle?! Charlie, you can't even walk! You could barely limp when you first came back and then you go and change again? You're—oh my gods."

"We don't have time for this." Ethan growls. "I want my weapons from my ship. I need my old clothes too."

"Really? Fucking really? We're about to be under attack, the gods are angry, and all you can think about are those materialistic, useless things?!" I stand in front of him and look down into his eyes. "Protect Charlie, not your pride."

"I need my fucking weapons to protect him!" Ethan shouts and holds Charlie up with one hand, the other balling up my shirt. "The danger that's coming is men. I was going to try and speak with them so we could avoid a full on war!"

Charlie looks at me and I let out a growl.

"Fine. Go, Toby will accompany you." I hold my arms out for my brother.

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