MEMORIES Bring Back You..

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There's a time that I remember,
When I did not know pain.
When I believed in forever
and everything would
stay the same.
Now my heart felt like
December when somebody
say your name.
'Cause I can't reach out
to call you, but I know
I will one day, yeah.
Here's to the one that
we got.
Cheers to the wish you
were here, but you're not.
'Cause the drinks bring
back all the memories
of everything we've
been through.
Toast to the ones that
we lost on the way
'Cause the drinks bring
back all the memories,
And the memories bring
back, memories
bring back YOU.

• • •

Tears falling down the floor.
While he tried his best not to cry.
Those tears spilling the ink from
the delicate silk paper.
He wipe the tears that fallen down
from cheeks. His eyes were swollen
from the previous cries earlier.
He adjusted his cap and stand
up the chair screeching under
his weight. He walked, silently
through the quiet halls.
Footsteps can be heard throughout
the halls echoing to the noise were made. A frown plastered on his
usually cheerful face with tears
stained on his face.
He always think..always thinking
this question behind the back
of his head.

"What if tears left scars?"
"Will that show how many shed
I have cried?"
"Will it show that my love turn to
grief after his sudden death?"
"Why I am asking this to myself?"
"When..I'm the one to blame.."
He snickered like a pyscho would.
Well..he is one. A monster that
everyone should feared.
Tears again, falling down his
face. Why couldn't he accept that
he was gone? Why he is crying
over him? It was his fault he died.
His fault for betraying him.
For bringing him to war.
And causing a lot of damage in
his country. He did a lot of damage
in other countries history and so
does his heart. His fragile heart
who had been broken to pieces
while seeing the paper be torn
apart from his 'friend' he knew
who wouldn't betray him.
But he was wrong..
He did it. with a reason he couldn't
tell only himself and his only.
He wondered why he had done
that but never had the guts
until his death.

Ding Dong!
Reich looked up, rubbing his eyes
due to his cries and lack of sleep
from the previous night.
He cough, his voice were slightly
sore and raspy from all the cries
and yells he did last night.
"Come in."
The door opened, revealing his
assistant holding papers and seem
haggard but try to keep a straight
posture to her Leader.
But, Reich know to well that she
is tired from all the work but
listens to what she wanna say.
"My Furher, this is the day is
his anniversary dear Furher."
Reich looked down for a moment
on the wooden oak table he cried
last night before looking back
at his assistant. He replied;
"Okay then, prepare the car and
we will visit him and bring a
'communist pacha'* his favorite
flower to his grave. I will follow
sortly after that."
The assistant bowed and left
not saying a word closing the
door after leaving his Leader to
sunked into his chair, silence
surrounding him.

• • •

He arrived, looking down at the
grave with the old and new ones.
Candles scattered across and old
rotten petals bend down from
beinng dry for a year.
He stared at the grave like it
offended him or something..
But, he know too well that it
didn't. His cold eyes starting to
tear up again and couldn't help
himself but fall into his knees.
He was now crying and sobbing
calling his name. Begging for
him to come back when he know
that..that will never come true.
He soon felt a cold yet warm embrace
he stiffen at the coldness but
soon let himself relax when he
felt a kiss on his cheek and
could feel a head on his shoulder.
He could hear him whisper something
in his ear.
"We are suppose to be enemies
That question made him think
for a moment before replying;
"I don't think we need to be.."
"After all..I love you and that will
never change."
"Then why you betray me?"
Reich was silent for a quick
second then replying while
tears roll down on his eyes.
"C-cause..cause..I am scared
you won't feel the same way..,"
"And I was not in the right
mind back then.."
"Es tut mir lied Sofiet.."
"Forgive me.."
"I already forgive you."
"Da. I will wait until we are
together again. But..I had to
Reich sigh, sadly getting up and
looking at the ghost in front of
him he smiled like he was not
gonna leave. But they both know
he is. They shared one last kiss
for the last and ever last time.

The End

"And that kids is how the story ends."
"Can you read us more Mama?"
"Maybe sometime..Germany."
"Now sleep."
"Ja! Mother!"

I forgot this exist ;-; I forgot I even
exist- cHaRoT! So have a good day
or night! Bye!

Edit: (2.0)

I deleted the previous note here now.
And changed it into this. lmao.
Hope u get what, I'm saying.
Have a great day or night!
Bye! <3

USSR x Third Reich [2.0 OneShots]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя