Beautiful Lies

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Behind the Stone Cold Face Hides,
The Broken Heart.

It was a rainy afternoon, people
being busy than normal. Animals
scattered all over the place getting
food for this upcoming winter.
While me? Watching them do
what they are doing. Here I am
standing a bridge the pond
underneath, fishes swimming
peacefully with no one interrupting
them. Rain drops disturbing the
quietness and peacefullness to
the water. Every drop, every tear.
Drop, tear. Drop, tear. Drop, tear.
Drop, tear..Every time the rain
drops, drop on the water my eyes
hurt and before I knew it..
I started crying over nothing.
I don't know..but it reminds me
of that night..

Two countries standing face to
face at eachother yelling at eachother's
throats. The other one who is
shorter yelled at the other one who
was slightly taller.

"We talk about this,"
"That you won't drink again!"
"I'm sorry, can't help it."
"Then try, not to do it!"
"Why do you even bother?"
"Cause I cared!"
"Why though?"
"Cause what?"
"Cause I cared, okay!"
"Yeah, yeah.."
"Why are you like this?,"
"You were never back then
before..I miss you..I miss the
old you, Sofiet."
"If you miss the old me,"
"You shouldn't had betrayed
me back then.."
"You don't how much I was
hurt back then."
"And I, I learn to accept that,"
"That, I don't need someone
in my life."
"Goodbye, Nazi. Hope you had
a great night."
". . ."

Tears drop to the floor, after
their argument. The other left
leaving him to drown in sadness
and regret. He knew this day
would come. He know this too
well, he know his loved one will
leave him soon. He was selfish
like other says and cruel.
He deserved it anyway..
His only love left him. Who
promise that he will never leave
him and will do everything for
him just to make him happy.
But, now? Look what he did.
He didn't fulfill his promise.
He soon left him, leaving him
with his thoughts and sadness.
He thought he could handle
a break-up but he was wrong..
So wrong..he instantly regret
the words he said to him in
the past few weeks.

"I never love you."
"I just use you."
"You are such a fool,"
"To ever think that I will
love you."
"What a shame..just look
at you, crying and broken."
"Heh..your such a fool Sofiet."
"To think that I really love you."

I yelled, screaming over nonsense.
I tried to shrugged the feeling
away..but it never did.
I curled up, even I was in public..
I don't care as long those 'memories' leave.

Tears falling down on my cheeks,
making my vision blurry.
I didn't notice someone approach
me either. I was too focused on
crying then I felt the warm
embrace I hadn't felt so long..
I sniff, and wipe the tears
away letting the embrace
last for long. When, I was
done from my break down..
I looked up to see him.

Memories came flooding back
to me that was long hidden
in the back of my heart and brain.

"Try and catch me!"
"I will!"
Two boys ran on the afternoon,
grassy fields. Both sweating
from running, and had a smile
plastered on their faces.
Soviet finally reach Nazi and
both of them stopped to lay
down. Panting heavily, yellow
eyes meet red ones.
Soviet smiled, showing his
white tooth smile, so does
Nazi showing his sharp teeth.
Both laugh at that day until night.

Nazi snickered while drawing
a mustache on Soviet's face.
Soviet was deep asleep and
had no idea what his friend
was doing. All he know that
he was too tired to deal with
his shit. Nazi snickered, and
covered his mouth trying not
to wake him up but failing.
Letting out a loud laugh that
could be heard to the entire house.
Waking Soviet up. Soviet blinked
slowly, looking around and at
Nazi who was still laughing.
Soviet raise an eyebrow at
Nazi when he realized that
Nazi draw something on his
face..Soviet glared at Nazi.
While Nazi was wheezing on
the floor out of laughter.

Nazi smiled nervously, holding
the bouquet in hands.
He was standing at Soviet's front
door and was about to knock..
when he heard yelling inside.
He panicked, worried about
his friend. He opened the door,
then closing it back. He
heard the yelling in Soviet's room
and went to investigate.
The yelling got louder and louder
he was about to reach the door
knob when he heard a loud..
He flinch, and went inside.
He saw Soviet panting heavily,
holding a broken mirror in
hands. Blood dropping through
the floor and cuts marked on
his arms. The place was a disaster
like a tornado had passed
through. He frown at the sight,
and approach Soviet.
Soviet looked at him, still have
anger in his eyes but soon
calm down when he saw Nazi.
Nazi hugged Soviet. For hours.
Like he wasn't letting go any
moment..Soviet didn't mind and
let the warm embrace take over.

Its all coming back to me..
All the memories we make
even the day I betrayed him..

Nazi laugh, seeing the expression
of Soviet who had fear and
sadness in his eyes.
Soviet legs trembled, falling
to his knees crying his heart
out. How a fool he was for
trusting his enemy..
He wish he shouldn't..
He just wanted his friend
back..But, now? Its too late..

I cried again, falling in tears.
I couldn't hold back my emotions..
I was like..stuck in a bottle.
Letting all the emotions battle
within who will win.
But, none of them succeed.
He hugged me once again.
I didn't complain..I just
let it happen. I am also
tired to deal with everything..
Soon, I fell asleep in his arms.
Truth to be told..

"I still love him."

*sigh* Why this happens to me? ;w;
I make it long para happy, happy.
Have a good day or night!

1026 words

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