Love Thy Enemy

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Breeding & U N D O [2] will come out soon. UwU

Hope u Enjoy!

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"So..if I signed, the contract, you won't invade my land?"

Soviet look at Nazi, suspiciously. They had an agreement that the other won't invade their land, and no war will come between them both. The Nazi made a contract between the communist, that they are 'Allies' and won't invade eachother, lands, as long as they won't go against their promise to eachother.

Nazi only nodded, as he watched Soviet pick up the pen, and signed the paper. He smirked, knowing what will come between them, a very brilliant idea came to his head, as he smirk, knowing that he had to get the trust of his enemy to make sure his plans won't fail.

He grabbed the contract, between Soviet's hands as he folded it, neatly and put it on a white folder, before putting it to a drawer and locked it, with a padlock to make sure, no one can steal it.

Soviet was about to leave, when Nazi pull her (dangerously) close to the face of her enemy, before their lips close the gap, between them, as Nazi wraps his arms around her waist, and pulling her closer to his body.

Soviet eyes widened, as she know that Nazi is a straight homophobic man, who do nothing but chaos in his own land. She never expected, the Nazi to kiss her straight forward, after their meeting.

She know that Nazi doesn't really have the time for relationships, and yet here he was kissing her, and even had his arms wrap around her waist, and hips.

Nazi pulled away, his eyes half lidded, as his red ruby eyes look straight to his enemy's sunny yellow eyes. He smirk, seeing her reaction from the little kiss he gave to her. Soviet still in the state of shock, couldn't move even an inch, she felt like she was paralyzed.

Nazi smirked, once again, as his eyes glowed dark red, and he put his lips to Soviet's ears, whispering.

"You better go, before, I do something, you will regret, Sowjet~"

His words, making Soviet snapped back to reality, and blushing a bit, knowing why Nazi meant by that, she shivered when she felt Nazi's tongue and teeth, chewing her ear.

She breath in and out, before putting her hands on Nazi's chest, and pushing him away, and running away from his Office, her face redder than her flag.

She went inside the car, and told the driver to drive and go back to the Airport. The driver didn't said, anything to that, instead he took off like his Boss, said so.

Nazi smirked, as he looked out the window, liking how Soviet was so flustered when he was chewing on her ear lob. He laugh, to himself knowing his plan won't fail, like he intended to.

"Soon, Soviet. Soon, you will regret signing that contract~"

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Part 2 or nah?

Have a great day/night! Bye!

508 words

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