Meet Reichskriegsflagge!~

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M/A: Um..testing, testing. *taps microphone* So, comrades, I want u to meet Reichskriegsflagge!~ The Nazi's German War flag!

Reichskriegsflagge: Hallo. Its nice to meet all of you. *looks at u, with cold and emotionless eyes as SHE folded her hands behind her back*

M/A: Yeah..she be serious, as ever. -v- (I made her like this way)

Soviet: *barges inside the recording room* Hey, Author, I just wanted to ask you about this script you gave me, today--.. *stops speaking when she saw, Reichskriegsflagge with le M/A*

Soviet: What is SHE doing, here? *glares at Reichskriegsflagge and Reichskriegsflagge also, glared at her*

M/A: Well..I just wanted to introduce her, to my readers! :D *does not notice the two's glaring at eachother and just smiles innocently*

Soviet: She's my worst enemy! Why did you even bother, to introduce her to your readers! >:0

Reichskriegsflagge: Obviously, she likes ME than YOU. That's why. 😒

Soviet: *gApS* HoW DaRe YoU sAy tHaT! >:0 The Author LOVEs me, more than YOU!

Reichskriegsflagge: I bet, she's tired of your whining and complaints.

Soviet: No, she isn't!

Reichskriegsflagge: Yes, she is!

Soviet: No, she isn't!!

Reichskriegsflagge: Yes, she does!!

Soviet: NO!!!

Reichskriegsflagge: YES!!!

Soviet: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Reichskriegsflagge: YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!

Soviet: NO

Reichskriegsflagge: YES

M/A: Will you two, stop?! I've had enough of this, argument! >:((

Soviet: She started it! 😣

Reichskriegsflagge: Oh, now you're blaming me?! When you're the one, who f**cking started it! 😠 *looks at Soviet and glares at her*

Soviet: *growls* Why you-- 😡

Nazi: What's going on here?

Soviet: Its nothing, Nazi--

Nazi: that Reichskriegsflagge?! :0

Reichskriegsflagge: Hello, Third Reich.

Soviet: Now, you've ruined it! -_-#

Reichskriegsflagge: Whatever.

Nazi: Um..I guess its my fault, then?..

Soviet: Its not your fault, Nazi. Its just me and Reichskriegsflagge, don't get along, together! >:0

Reichskriegsflagge: Says, the communist.

Soviet: F**ck you, Reich!

Nazi: nickname is Reich also, remember?


Nazi: Its fine. -v-

Reichskriegsflagge: Hah, awkward.

Soviet: Oh, shut up!

M/A: Are u guys, done? 'Cause this is reaching too many words, already. -_-#

Soviet: We're done, I guess?

Reichskriegsflagge: You guess?

Nazi: Let's just end this, for the sake of the Author!

Soviet: *sighs* Fine. Bye!

Nazi & Reichskriegsflagge: Tchuss! (Bye) *goodbyes in German*

The End


Now that's finished.. -v- I will now introduce you the personality of Reichskriegsflagge! (Reich is her nickname, btw)

Personality of Reichskriegsflagge:

• Serious [She'd slap a ruler on a male/female once, for disrespecting her ways of teaching]

• Cold [as f**ck]

• Doesn't laugh at jokes [She only laughs when she's mocking someone]

• Sadist [Doesn't need to be told, twice]

• Hates Communists [As u can see, she hates Soviet]

• Too much Pride in her blood [She's an Aryan, what do u expect? She be like Hitler]

• Disappointed that they didn't win, the war back in WW2 [Bleh, I can't say anything other than :p]

• An asshole ever since the War finished [Its because, she is disappointed that they didn't win the War]

• Greedy and Selfish [:p]

• Wanted Revenge [Because, yeah..]

• Still believe that Aryan is superior over than Slavs [She is an old person]

So, yeah this is all I have. My mind is brain dead, lol. -v- Its midnight, in here, that's why.

Have a great day/night! Bye!

561 words

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