"We're Over." - [Shitpost]

432 7 32

IwilltortureNazifortoday. >:3

Third Reich: NEIIIINNN!

Yes! Hope u Enjoy! (this)


"Soviet! Soviet! Wait!"

Nazi yelled from afar. Soviet looked at Nazi and raise an eyebrow. Nazi panted heavily, as he raise his hands towards Soviet's direction and looked up at her while panting.

"S-soviet! We can talk this out!"

Nazi yelled under his breath. His knees turned jelly under him, and he fall on his knees. Soviet put a emotionless face towards his direction before stucking her tongue out towards him.

"Oh really? After I caught you cheating?"

Soviet replied bitterly.

"Please! I beg you!"

Nazi pleaded.

"Oh you weren't listening to me, when I was begging at you!"

Soviet growled. As she look at Nazi with hatred in her eyes. Then, speaking once again.

"I was patient with you, all this years. And this is what you will repay me?!"

Soviet was now on the edge of tears as tears started rolling down her red cheeks. As she growled once again in frustration and sadness. Nazi just watched her, yell her lungs out and everything she knew that he didn't knew.

He suddenly stand up, and gripped Soviet's shoulders before yelling.

"It was just a goddamn chocolate!"

Nazi couldn't take it anymore and revealed the truth to Soviet as he as well, crying while he growled. He can't believe SHE will BREAK UP for just a GODDAMN CHOCOLATE he ATE.

Soviet stopped crying, as her eyes widened. Shock to Nazi's outburst and revealing the truth. Nazi couldn't handle losing the one he loves, and he decided to kiss her. Soviet kissed back, still shock from everything but decided to forgive Nazi.

And that's how their day went after their little argument about CHOCOLATE.


Hehehehehehe~ I lOvE torturing Nazi. :3

Third Reich: BITC-

USSR: *smacks his head*

Third Reich: Ow! What the hell did I do?!

USSR: *shakes head*

Third Reich: >:((

Anyways..Have a great day or night! <3

336 words

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