Truth or Dare? - [ShitPost??]

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Hello, comrades. I can't sleep and its afternoon here, don't worry.

I just take a few naps and now, I can't sleep. I'm outside our house, in our terrace, I'm sitting on right now.

Cause, its very hot inside of our room. Hope u Enjoy!

Don't mind the title, btw. -w-

. . .

"Okay, Soviet, Truth or Dare?"

Japan Empire, questioned as she looked at Soviet with a smile.


Soviet replied, bluntly. Since, she was bored from the start. And, didn't even care how Japan Empire can be a pain in the ass, and didn't even think twice, before answering.

"I dare you to, wear a VIRGIN KILLING SWEATER until this game ends."

Japan Empire smirks, as she said the 'dare' to Soviet. Who just look bored than ever.

Soviet shrugged, while saying,

"Sure, what could go wrong?"

Few minutes later

"I regret my decision, now."

Soviet muttered, under her breath. As she glared at Japan Empire, who was smirking at her. The two, got into a staring contest for a while, before Soviet give up, and wear what they called, 'VIRGIN KILLING SWEATER'.

She went into the bathroom, glad she's wearing shorts underneath and a sports bra. She took all, her clothes and left only in her underwear. She wear the sweater on, and it fits her, perfectly.

She got out of the bathroom, to see Japan Empire holding her clothes, and putting it on a bag, while they went back to the living room, where they are all playing. The players are:

[In this order]

Soviet - Nazi - Japan Empire - Fascist Italy- France - Britain - Sovitix - Nazict - [In this order]

Nazi started blushing, while the others tease Soviet and Nazi except for Sovitix and Nazict. Soviet shrugged, it off and continue playing. They spin the bottle, and it landed on Nazi.

The others smirked, as Nazi blushed. Japan Empire was the one, who dared him. To sit on Soviet's lap. It was embarassing to say atleast, but Nazi did for the dare until the game ends.

Then, it was Sovitix's turn.


Sovitix looked around, and spotted Nazict's tail wagging side to side. As she glance at Nazict, an idea popped into her mind, as she smirked evilly. The others knew what that smirked meant, and prepared for the worst.

"I dare all of you, to kiss your crush."

Everyone started blushing, and started protesting. Sovitix couldn't careless, as she kissed Nazict on the cheek, making Nazict face turned into a tomato.

Soviet sigh, as she knew this was gonna end up. And, kissed Nazi on the cheek, as well. Nazi like Nazict, turned into a tomato and looked away from the two. The game soon ended, and the others went their way, home as they said goodbye to eachother.

Sovitix and Nazict went back, to being puppets. And, Soviet take off, the sweater and change into sleeping clothes. So, did Nazi. And they all sleep, peacefully.

Me/Author: Not yet-


Me/Author: Fine -_-



Well, I hope u enjoy that and me being a little bitch I am, decided to ruin the fun. :p

Have a great morning/noon/afternoon/night! Bye!

540 words

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