AU's Idea! :D

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Okay, I know this on Hiatus..but..

I want to give u comrades my AU ideas. UwU

I also forgot to put this, on the last AU votes kinda thingy.

But, I have two AU's! One was inspired by Twilight, if u know that movie/book. And, the other one I just get the title from a movie called, 'Mirror, mirror'. ;)

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#1 - Mirror, Mirror [AU]

- A girl was cursed, by a witch who hated her Family, for a very long time, and put her in a MIRROR as a punishment.

One day, a Family moved in, to a house, where they say, the 'the cursed mirror' is in. The Family didn't believe, the myths and tales in their Village, and ignored the rumors that spread.

A girl find the mirror was in the Attic, in the house. She was curios, on what the mirror holds, like the neighbours says. She went into the Attic, one night to found out, the myths were true.

Type: Fantasy, Romance, Fanfiction, Drama (?)

#2 - Vampire & Werewolf [AU]

- Like Twilight, Vampires and Werewolf's were ruling the world. But, there are still Humans in the place.

A vampire met an human, not just an ordinary human, but a WEREWOLF! Werewolf's was their biggest enemy.

And, she find to like the Werewolf. She don't know what its called, but Humans called it, 'Love'. She guess, she's in love then. She befriend the werewolf and they had began to be friends.

Maybe, they can be lovers in the future. Who knows?

Type: Fantasy, Romance, Fanfiction, Drama (?)

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Like I said, before. The first was one was inspired by:

Twilight were a Human and a Vampire fall in love and in the very near end of the movie series, they had a kid.

The next one was inspired by:

Like a Snow White story, but different.

The Queen was evil (like wise), and she wanted to have the palace all for herself. She was old, but use magic to look young by desposing the King. She was a step mother of Snow White. Snow White is like very white and they name her 'snow white'.

The King turned into a beast in the Forest, were everyone is forbidden to go there. The whole kingdom is covered with snow, a never ending snow cast by the witch queen. (I remember Arendelle from this)

Snow White met 7 drawfs (?) into the woods while she was exploring through the woods, and the drawfs (?) help her fight the evil witch queen. By training her how to fight, and find some fighter clothes.

The drawfs met a prince before they met Snow White, and robbed him. Taking all his stuffs and gold, but the horse got away. (I'm just summarizing the movie -w-)

The evil witch queen tried to seduce the prince, so she can marry him. (Ew, your old, get some rest)

She also talks to a mirror, version of herself but smarter. And, a crystal ball is on the middle like a CCTV camera, she knows what everyone is doing by looking at the crystal ball.

She wears a moon necklace, were her magic is hidden. Also, the King had a moon necklace and the curse will only break if someone break that stone.

In the end, they live happily ever after. + Bonus scene!

Snow White celebrate the day she is now Queen and the Prince became her husband. The evil (old) queen, dressed up with a black cloak and give an apple to Snow White. (Like the original scene)

But, Snow White was a fricking SAVAGE and cut the apple in half and gave it to the old woman aka evil queen. The evil queen took it, and took a bite and then she dies. (Because, she dumb and doesn't realize it had poison -_-#)


This is all, I have for today. This is still on Hiatus, btw.

I just wanna share my AU's ideas.

Have a great umaga/tanghali/hapon/gabi! Bye!

671 words

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