New Story Idea! :D + Opinions of the Readers [Old]

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So..I had this idea in my mind for a
long time right now..and decided
to make a story of it! uwu
This will be an AU or Alternate Universe.
I will call it "Alternate Ending".
Yes, I am bad at titles ->-
This story will be obviously
USSR x Third Reich.
USSR will be a female since I read
too much Female!Third Reich enough.
They will have their symbols still
and names the same.
But, there positions will be different.
For example;
USSR will be a Nazi.
Third Reich will be a Communist.
Like that. and here's the drawing
I just finish! uwu and sorry for
the blurry camera ^^"

Hmm..I am thinking..should I make
this as a book? or a series?
I can't I will ask for
your opinion my comrades! uwu
Have a great day or night!
See ya all in the comments! uwu

USSR x Third Reich [2.0 OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now