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Death: *humming while scrolling through phone*

USSR: Hey! Death have u seen the Author? I want to talk with her.

Death: *looks up at USSR* No. I haven't. Why? *100% confused*

USSR: Nothing..nothing.

Death: Okay.. *clearly uncomfortable* Bye.

USSR: Bye!

*In The Room*

Third Reich: So..how did it go?

Japan Empire: Yeah! How did it go?

Fascist Italy: I wanna know too!

USSR: Calm down. Calm down! The Author persona said, she isn't nowhere to be found. So that means..she's out for today.

Third Reich: So you mean we got more time to do this? I mean, there is a bit of time left we need to hurry.

USSR: Alright! Let's go. Turn off the lights when she came back. I hope this plan works..

Japan Empire: Of course it will! ^w^

Fascist Italy: Yeah! OwO

USSR: - sigh - Fine. Let's go now.

- Few Minutes Later -

Me/Author: Hmm..why is it so quiet? and dark? Death? Third Reich? USSR? Japan Empire? Fascist Italy? Germany? Poland? Philip? Russia? Where are u all?! U know I hate the dark place like this u know! U know I hate pranks! >o<

*Somewhere In The Room*

???: We should come out now and surprised her!

???: No, Idiot! It would ruined the plan!

???: Fine, fine. Let's get this over with.

Me/Author: I HATE U ALL! Come out! and face me! I ain't scared of u all! Come and show your asses! DO NOT HIDE! Please! I beg! Just come out! Please.. D':<

*Turns On Lights*


Me/Author: *gasp* U did this all for me?

Everyone: Yes! and we love u, Aj!

Me/Author: Awww, I love u too.

Everyone: Happy Birthday, once more.

Me/Author: Thanks.


Can someone play the song 'Its my birthday'? Hahahahaha on the radio I heard, but eh. Today its my Birthday. Yay! uwu (By the time u guys get this. No internet so I can't publish this on time)

Have a great day or night! Bye!
My Birthday is March 8, 2006 skl.

351 words

USSR x Third Reich [2.0 OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now