One Last Letter

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If u are sensitive to this kind of topic..
I suggest u don't read it.
I warn u..Hope u Enjoy! <3

Dear friends and kids,
How long was I here?
I don't know..
Do you know? one knows..
I am stuck here..
As always..
No one cared..
So why should I live?
If I am a dissapointment in life?
I am nothing..
My family, lover, kids..
They all left me cause I wasn't
And I am now suffering to the
Haha..its funny isn't it?
To be alone..everything around
you is darkness..
You being depressed..
Thinking you are a MISTAKE.
After all..these shadows are
the one who only understand
I hated being a burden to anyone..
So why not end it?
After all no one cared..
I'm all alone with these
shadows by my side.
I will be finally free or am I?
I guess..being gone would make
them happy..
How could I not think of that
in the first place!?'s the day I'm gonna
I hope no one will be sad when
I'm gone..
I hope they will be happy now.
I hope they forget the memories
and history I made..
All the pain, destruction, blood..etc.
Hope u all read this..
Reich, Russia, Kazackstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Britain, France, and most importantly..America.
I know we been enemies ever since
the Cold War and WW2 so does
you Reich. I love you..don't forget
that old friend.
Russia, my eldest son.
Thank you for being there with
your siblings and for me.
Hope u forget me..
I was a bad father..and tell
this to your siblings will you?
Hope u and America have a
long lasting relationship..
Britain, my ally and my friend.
Thank you for being there when
I needed you the most.
Please take care of my children
when I'm gone..and don't be
sad okay?
France, I know we both are
not the closest during the times
I am in your House.
I know you are angry at me..
and won't forgive me when
I die.
I'm trying to say is that,
take care for Britain for me okay?
He is a good friend. I'm glad he
is your Husband.
To everyone who read this..
One thing, before I go..
Won't you comrades smile for me?
Just this one time. I know you
are all crying while reading this.
But, its my choice. Not yours.
So don't blame yourself for me.
I hope we see eachother again.
~ with lots of love, USSR

3rd Person's POV:

Cries where heard through the
quiet room in the mansion.
Mostly coming from Russia
and his siblings, then America,
Britain, France and last but
not the least..Third Reich.
He was not crying even a
single tear. But, he was crying
in the inside instead.
He won't show his emotions
in front of his Enemies neither
to USSR's kids.
In fact, he blame himself for
USSR's death.
He make him suffer.
Betrayed him, ruined their
friendship, and invade his land.
He was now crying and on
his knees while his hands
holding the letter.
He can't believe he would
do this..he wish he was there..
But, it was too late.
They were to late to save him.
And now there suffer with the
guilt and pain.

There his grave stone laid.
His name and date curved
in italics. With flowers
and candles on the side.
There laid our beloved USSR
may he rest in peace.

Our friend, father, lover.
May you rest in Peace.
- your friends and kids

[The End]


I told you its angst. ->-
Here tissues if u cried.
Have a great day or night!

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