w H a T ' s 6 X 3 ? !

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Philippines: What's 6 x 3?

Me/Author: I don't know!

Philippines: What's 6 x 3?!

Me/Author: I lEgIt don't know!

Philippines: Call your Mom.

Me/Author: Why?--

Philippines: USSR!

USSR: Yes?

Philippines: What's 6 x 3?

USSR: Uhm..I don't know.

Philippines: *groans mentally* I'll call Third Reich.

Philippines: THIRD REICH!

Third Reich: Yes?

Philippines: What's 6 x 3?

Third Reich: I don't know.

Philippines: *mentally slapped herself* I'll call the Teacher.


America: *kicks door down* HOWDY!-- Oh..Hi.

Philippines: What's. 6. x. 3? *looking at America while gritting her teeth*

America: Wait, I had taught that before to..wait, who that student is? Oh, the Author!

America: What's 6 x 3? Author?

Me/Author: I don't know! Okay?!

America: If Japan had this amount of dishsoap. How many dishsoap did he have?

Me/Author: Uhm..I don't know.

America: Exactly. That's why I never taught you that. Because I know I suck at Math and so does you. I am such a great Teacher! uwu

USSR, Philippines, Third Reich: Really?! -_-


Well..this was fun to make. Also hope someone correct some mistakes in here. I changed the way the MEME was supposed to be. Since, I couldn't remember the lines..so yeah.
Have a great day or night! Bye!

222 words

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