🐲 Love Thy Chimara 🐲

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I know its the same title as: 'Love Thy Enemy'. -w- But, I don't care, lmao. ( [If u are curios on why CHIMARA look like, look on top. And, I search it on Google, that they are shape shifters depending on their spirit. Its also, referenced to Greek Mythology.]

Just so u know, so u won't ask me for it. -w-)

Hope u Enjoy!

. . .

It was a hot sunny afternoon, as leaves fall from their branches. It was complicated to tell it was hot or cold, but all she could feel was warmth. Her fur much thicker, than a fur coat and thicker than a animal skin. Her fur looks like a jacket through the hot sunny afternoon. Despite having a thick fur in a hot afternoon, she didn't even sweat a little bit.

She breath through her snout, as she huff. She flicked her tail, up and down, as she shake her head. Her sister was being annoying little chimara, who, won't stop biting her wings. She didn't mind though, her teeth isn't sharp as hers and couldn't even bite that hard and almost tear her flesh to the bones.

She sigh, as she huff, once again. Annoyance and anger building up, in her body. She looked at her sister, who keep growling as she bit once again, to her older sister wings.

She could feel her sister, was glaring at her, but she couldn't careless, and keep biting her, when her sister exclaimed loudly, making her stop.

"Ugh! For nature sakes, Russia! Stop biting my wings! You little evil chimara!"

Her sister looked at her, glaring at her with her mistmatched eyes. Forest green and Sunny yellow eyes. She, also, had mistmatched eyes like her sister. Ocean Blue and Pearly White.

They were born to have those kind of eyes. They didn't mind, but to their kind, its a curse. Having mistmatched eyes, is illegal in their kind. Their leader was about to kill them, ever since they were babies, but their parents stopped them, before they could lash out their claws and fangs to their fragile bodies.

Their parents decided, to get away from their pack, and find a place they could found shelter and food for the night. They don't know until their parents told about it, and why they left their pack.

They were sad and guilty, for having mistmatched eyes, and they are the reason why they left in the first place. They carried that regret and guilt, until adulthood, but unfortunately, the oldest of them, only know the complete reason on why.

. . .

Russia looked at her, sister, who is still glaring at her. She got off her back, and rubbed her head under her sister's chin. Soviet sigh, as she pat Russia's little head, and lay her head, on the little chimara.

She smiled, as she looked at Russia with half lidded eyes, and spoke.

"Do you want me to sing your favorite lullaby, Tili tili bom?"

Russia only nodded, as she smiled and closed her eyes, when she felt her sisters big and wide bat wings, wrapped around her. She sigh, in contenment, and listened to her sister, who started singing.

[Listen to the song, and read the story after you listen, okay? Good.]

Soviet started humming at first, then sung in her soft yet husky voice, adding with gentleness in her tone of voice.

Soon, Russia fall asleep, in an instant. She smiled, as she nuzzled her cheeks. Kissing her forehead, before laying her head down on the grassy soil, they are laying down on. She smiled, one last time before drifting into dreamland.

???'s POV:

I smirked, as I found the chimara twins. They worth a million or even billions for that matter. I don't care, if the other one is younger and the other one is older, all I care is for the money, that pays after I caught them.

Oh, Boss will be proud at this, news.

I dialed his number, it started ringing for a few seconds and then he finally answered.


"Hello, Boss."

"Oh, its..you."

"I have wonderful news, Boss!"

"What is it?"

"I found were the chimara twins are at. And, I think it would cost them money if we put them at the Mesuem."

"Sounds, good to me. Make sure, they aren't listening! They can understand human language, pretty well. And, be careful, they are known as dangerous."

"I will, Boss. But, I had a job to do, call you later."

"Make sure to caught them, in one piece, or I will sue your head!"

"Got it, Boss."

. . .


I ain't planning to have an continuation. -w- My list is full, and I can't add another one.

But, if you insist..

Then, sure! To make my readers happy. UwU

My List of Stories: (That I needed to be finished.)

• U N D O

• S A I N T S

• Breeding

• Love Thy Enemy

Yeah, those are needed to be fullfilled by the readers.

Don't worry, I won't force myself, when I don't want to, because you requested it. I will do it, when I had the inspiration and motivation, to do so.

Have a great day/night! Bye!

875 words

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