Random One-Shot

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Ok so this is just a random one shot thing that my girls (densi family) liked it so i thought i would share it with you... nothing to do with past comes back, just felt like showing you!


   If your reading this it means you’re going through my stuff meaning something bad has happened to me. So as this is probably my last chance I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. All the times you have been there, all the times you have given me confidence with your beautiful smile. Oh how I wish I could make it up to you.

bad You will never understand truly how much you mean to me, you're my other half. I wish I could put how much you mean to me in words, so let's go with you mean more to me than surfing...  so ALOT.  An i'm sorry I'm not there with you anymore,  not there to offer you a hug when you most need it. Not there to watch America's next top Model marathons with, I'm sorry I did that to you. Just know you are the sweetest, most kind, intelligent and beautiful person I know. Please do one thing for me kens, go out there and make a name for yourself. Becuase I believe in you, always have. So please follow your dreams.

And know I didn't leave on purpose as i could never do that to you.

Love you kens

-Deeks x

Don't own any of the charecters !

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