43. Heartfelt Feelings

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Iftia: Krystal Palace, Entrance Hallway

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Iftia: Krystal Palace, Entrance Hallway

Elianna •

For the first time in eighteen years, she saw her twin. It took her by surprise when she realised how much alike they were except that Elizabeth was fairer and had the grace of a princess. Looking towards her twin sister, she also understood why everyone was confused when they met her — for their eyes never shared the same colour. Elizabeth had brown eyes, in the exact shade of the person she hated with the whole of her. 

Her hands gripped tightly when a riot of thoughts crash into her like tidal waves. A disgruntled groan sounded under her which brought her back to her senses immediately. The scalpel on her hand was pushed in deeper into Quinn's neck. She reached for her bag and jabbed a dose of tranquillizer into him. "Shut up," she hissed.

Everyone in the hallway drew their swords and pointed it towards her. Behind her, Tristan also armed himself with his sword and positioned himself back against her.

"Please pardon my rudeness, Princess Elizabeth. We are here to tend to His Highness." Elianna stood up, dusting a hand over her skirt. She bowed respectfully, "Please show the way."

"Reveal your face," Elizabeth demanded.

"I won't," Elianna said curtly, couldn't be bothered to maintain her feigned respectful composure any longer.

"How dare you speak rudely to the Royal Highness of Thethia!" The knight who stood beside Elizabeth shouted at her. He aimed the tip of his sword at her and Tristan moved and pulled her behind him.

"Doctor Everson, it is either you show me what hides beneath that veil or I'll do it myself," Elizabeth gave a cautionary warning.

"Your Highness, may I remind you that I only take orders from the First Prince," Elianna replied curtly.

"You left me with no choice then, doctor," Elizabeth pushed her knights away from her and sent a blinding white light towards Elianna.

Gift of Light? Elianna almost laughed at the absurdity of it. Stolid darkness surrounded her, wrapping her with the kind shadows that she was most familiar with. Her feet pushed her forward, allowing her to spring through her darkness in remorseless speed and her hand caught Elizabeth by the arm. Yanking Elizabeth towards her, she held the tip of the scalpel above the area where the pulse could be felt.

The light immediately faded and everyone turned to see that Elianna was already holding on Elizabeth. The knights moved forward in unison, but Elianna only threatened to pierce the knife into her neck. Tristan gasped and she only nodded slightly at him to reassure him. Elizabeth was still stunned by her adeptness and agility when she didn't move in her hold. Hissing into the haughty princess' ear, Elianna commanded, "Well, princess, you will take me and Sir Tristan to His Highness, now.

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