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Hello, everyone.

I would like to thank you all for reading "The Renegade General" until the end. I know that some of the chapters were lame and worthless. I'm truly sorry for that but I promise, I will definitely upgrade my grammars and plot twists to make a  better and..funnier story plot.

*Laugh* As of now, I am still focusing on my other stories and I know some of you saw, read and put a cute vote for my latest creation. If you didn't notice or see it, it's okay. You can visit my workshop to check that "game".

Well, that is all I wanted to say to you guys, thank you for your admirable comments and votes. Those were my strength and inspiration to keep writing. I couldn't done it without you guys! I luv ya' all!

I do hope I'll see you in my next..concept! *Evil Chuckles*

-AltairMopheus :3

The Renegade General [Akamegakill x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now