14. 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓔𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼

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Midnight Emotions

Midnight Emotions

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"Oh James my Deer brother would you mind passing me the salt?" Asked Avalon cheerfully. It was the third full moon of the Hogwarts year and the three Marauders still hadn't addressed the fact that Avalon knew their little secret.

She had been in the Hospital Wing asleep the last full moon, so she decided she would pick off where she had left off now.

"Here you go sweet sister," replied James with a sarcastic smile tossing the salt at her which she merrily went onto shaking on her eggs. 

"Deer up James," she said. "No need to be Ruff,  right Sirius?"

"We are going to class now," announced her brother ignoring her brilliance, she smiled.

"Alright, off you trot then," she replied, "Sirius I heard you have Transfiguration with the Slytherins first you paw thing." Sirius shot her a grin, because one of his weaknesses was puns - especially really bad ones - and without a word took off after James. "Go on Peter you better scurry after them, wouldn't want to mice class."

"Bye," said Peter nervously before quickly following after his two friends.

"What was that all about?" Asked Dorcas who had been watching the whole thing in confusion. Stormy however was highly amused and Avalon was pretty sure, but couldn't be one hundred percent positive and therefore couldn't ask her about it just in case, that she knew about all four Marauders monthly adventures. Even though it had come to a shock at first it had been a week since Stormy and Remus went on their first date and since then they had been rather inseparable, much to Sirius's dismay because he was "being ignored twice as much now!".

This meant that it had also been a week since her and Regulus had had a make out session on the kitchen floor. She couldn't forget about the events that conspired that night after they had pulled away from each other.

"I-I shouldn't have done that," she said hoping he would disagree. He reached forward and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Either should have I," he sighed before getting off of the floor, "see you in class Potter."

With that he had walked out of the kitchen leaving Avalon very confused and angry.

"Ava?" Said Stormy snapping her fingers in Avalon's face.


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