Chapter 1

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Adrian Gonzalez


Nationality:Mexican and Black (Blexican lol)

Height: 5'6

Senior at Richmond High School

"Come on Camron. You know this has been my dream ever since. To be in the WWE."I tried explaining to my best friend

"Cut it out Adrian,I'm not even mad."She huffed and rolled her eyes. Camron looked at me for a second before she slammed her locker and hung her bag across her shoulder.

I sighed.

"Then why haven't you said a word about it since I told you last week. You've been real nasty towards me lately." I said and waved at my English teacher as we passed her room door

"The point is, your leaving me behind and you don't even realize it." She shot back. I looked at her in disbelief.

"What am I leaving behind? Fuck, these past four years have been nothing but full problems and that's what I'm leaving behind." I said. Camron shook her head.

"So I'm a problem? Well in that case I guess your family is a problem too Cause your leaving behind." She said walking away.

"Come on Camron, why you being so salty.?" I called after her. She continued walking and ignored me. I sighed. Well then. The final bwll rang indicating that the campus was to be cleared. As I walked down the hallways and looked around, i felt sad. I really am leaving this hellhole for good. I thought abou the thriteen year old girl who walked into this school really nervous and shy about freshman year, and here she is, four years later leaving in the middle of the school year to go and follow her dreams. Bullied for four years and im still standing tall.

Three weeks ago, when I opened that letter from the WWE indusrty, I thought it was going to be yet another rejection letter like the four previously reciceved. I had written letters and sent videos of me wresting my friend camron and micking moves and creating ones of my own. The letters were about how I really wanted to be in the industry. But this letter was different, It changed my life.


(Sorry this Chapter was really short)

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