Chapter 43- Joe? What's Wrong

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I layed down on the couch and wiped my face. At a time like this my mother would be the perfect person to talk to but, I'm still upset at her. It was 1:50, in less than an hour I'll be heading to pick Joelle up.

My phone rang again for the 7th time in the last ten minutes. It was Roman calling again but I wasn't ready to tell him the news so I just let it ring.

Soon enough the bell rang and sat up sluggishly. I wiped my face quickly and got up to to answer the door. I unlocked the latches and opened the door.

Patricia Anoa'I stood before me with a small suitcase in her hand. I smiled stepped to the side letting her in.

"Hey Patricia."I said. She gave me a small smile but shook her head. "Mrs. Anoa'I's okay." She said slowly. She was a medium sized woman not thick or skinny but in the middle. Her hair was jetblack loke her son's. You can tell Roman gets his looks from her while his brother Matt gets his from his father's.

My smile began to fade a little and I cleared my throat. "Um please Mrs. Anoa'I have a seat." I offered. She scoffed a little and rolled her bag further in.

"We'll of course. This is my son's house." She answered. I didnt answer but looked around and rubbed my back a little.

Patricia looked at my belly for a second and smiled. "Baby Joe seems to be getting bigger." She complimented. I grinned.

"Yeah. I found out its a boy." I announced with pride. Sure I was still sad about what the news but Im having a boy.

Patricia gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed. She smiled and laughed a little bit.

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by her phone rinigng. She flipped her Flip phone open and pressed the answer button.

"Hey Leati." She said. She looked at me and gave me thumbs up. I furrowed my eyebrows but suddenly shook my head.

If Joe is going to know about this, it had to be from me. Straight up. Patricia looked confused but continued her conversation with Roman.

"Yes. Im at the house...No she..went to pick Joelle up." Patiricia said. I nodded and looked at the time. It was only Two but I figured, ehh why not pick her up early.

"Maybe she left her phone." Patricia explained. She shook her head and rubbed her temples. Maybe Roman has a tendency of aggravating her too. I giggled and picked up my purse.

'Ill be back.' I mouthed to Patricia who nodded her head. I picked my purse up from the couch and slipped on some flip flops.

I drove to Lansing Academy and went through to the office. I signed in and they gave me a pass.

I went through to Joelle's class room. They were gathered around in a circle chanting:

See the Dragon Twist and Turn

What a sight to see

Do not get to close to him

Or you may be his Tea.

I shook my head and stood at the doorway. Joelle's back was turned to me but as soon as I walked in a little boy pointed.

"Stranger danger." He whispered making everyone turn to look at me. I smiled at waved. Joelle ran up to me and hugged my legs.

"Adrian!" She yelled. Mrs. Waters calmed the class down and came over.

"Hey Ms. Gonzalez." She said handing me a clipboard.

"Joelle. Go a grab your stuff while I talk to Adrian." Mrs. Waters said. I looked at her confused. She's never done that before. I put the clipboard down on a nearby table after signing it and adjusted my purse.

"Earlier today JoJo and another student were at recess. They somehow started started an agrument and Joelle pushed the student off the swing busting her chin along the way."Mrs Waters said. I gasped and looked around the room. A small blonde girl sat in the circle laughing with some other students but on her chin was a bandaid.

"Im sorry Mrs. Waters Ill talk to her tonight. Its unlikely for her to do something like that." I assured Mrs. Waters who nodded.

"Joelle." I called out to her. She raced back over and had her back pack on her back. I grabbed her hand and we went out to the car. We got in and I began driving.

"So, what happened at recess today?" I asked. There was silence for a while but then she sighed.

"I got in trouble." She admitted. I nodded. "For what?" I asked sternly. I guess I was a little to harsh because when I looked into the rearveiw mirror Joelle was tearing up.

"Jeanette was being mean and I pushed her off the swing but I didnt want her to start bleeding." Joelle whined.

I shook my head. "Its okay sweetie. Just know thats not acceptable. If someones being mean find a teacher and tell them. Its not okay to push them alright?"I advised. Joelle sniffed and I saw her nodd her head. I turned in the direction of the house. I parked in the driveway. And got out opening the doorfor Joelle. She climbed out and raced to the door opeining it and stepping inside. I laughed and grabbed her backpack following inside.

I walked in on Patirica and Joelle sitting and talking. Joelle blabbering about her day and when I shut the door, Patricia looked at me guilty.

"Oh Adrian. I know I wasnt supposed to tell Joe yet but it sorta slipped. Im sorry." She said. I sighed and shookmy head.

I find out something is wrong with, my baby and when I want to surprise my boyfriend with the gender it gets ruined. Can this day get any worse?

"It's fine." I mummbled. "Im going call joe to take a short nap before dinner." I announced.

"Joelle come change out your uniform and count up to 50 before playing around." I said. Thats basically the homework has, counting. She smiled and ran up the stairs. I make my way into Roman and I's room and layed down on the bed. I pulled out my phone to dial when it began ringing. Ro❤❤

I hesitated but answered. "Hey babe." I said cheerfully. He sucked his teeth.

"Dont hey babe me. I called you all da." He said. I rubbed my forhead. "Dont mind that, were having a boy." I said. Roman laughed.

"I know baby. Its exciting going throughyhis experience again." He said. I didnt respond. We stayed on the phone in silence and Roman sighed loudly.

"Theres something your not telling me." He said. I looked up at the ceiling.

"Thats it." I said. "Are you not happy?" Roman asked.

"No no no. Baby it aint like that." I replied running my hands through my hair.

"I know you too well. What'd the doctor say?" Roman asked. I bit my lip

" Doctor Smith and a few other Doctors came to conclusion that by next month if the baby wasn't atleast moving or kicking, then something was definitely wrong, something they couldnt detect with the ulstrasound.

They'd break my water and I'll have the baby as a premature but they'd do all they can to get him everything he needs." I explained telling him everything Doc said after the appointment.

I waited for Joes responce but didn't get any. "Joe... say something." I started.

But a few seconds later the line went dead. He just hang up on me?

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