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Ever since I met this strange woman when I was a kid, my life's been flipped upside down. Not like it's gone to shit, no... Not like that.
I mean one moment I am actually"trying" to be a normal kid then without warning, I would find myself battling these heartless devil spawns called Hollows. This woman I had met long ago revealed to me these abilities I didn't even know I had. She showed me how to hold and use a sword and how to even control my own Spiritual Energy.
But, I am no longer allowed to walk amongst the Spirit World. I have good intentions but this... Power... For some reason I just can't get ahold of it.
Yet,I very much need it to battle these Hollows to protect not only my friends but to defend my city as I swore an oath to myself.
"I won't turn my back on anyone in need." Even if it means my life I'll take on anyone, including other...dead spirits. I'm Roderick David Spikes The Second...and I believe my purpose is to end all evil!

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