Chapter Two

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It took another two hours before they entered The Hills area.

'I'm sorry sir, only residents are allowed past this point,' a police officer said as he approached the Tesla.

'I live here! Here's my ID. I need to get home my girlfriend is there all alone and I haven't been able to reach her!' David said hurriedly.

'Alright sir, follow the detour signs and you should be able to make it to your house.' The officer answered.

David pulled away from him and started driving towards his home.

'What are you smirking at Jason?' David spat out. His heart racing knowing he would get to see Natalie soon and make sure she's okay.

'Oh nothing. Just excited to make sure your girlfriend is okay....' Jason smiled for what seemed like the first time in hours.

'What are you talking about?' David questioned.

'You said you had to get home because your girlfriend was there alone...' Carly mentioned form the back seat. She too had a smirk on her lips as she shared a knowing glance at Erin.

'No I didn't! I said my best friend...' David blushed. Did he really say that out loud? It didn't even matter right now. He was so close to Natalie. He was so close to making sure she is safe.

As the Tesla entered the driveway it was slammed into park and David jumped out faster than anyone. He started running to the front door when he noticed it was dark in the house.

David grabbed his keys and fumbled with the lock before the front door swung open and he raced inside. He noticed that a shelf and all his awards were neatly on the ground instead of on the wall and started surveying the rest of the living room and kitchen.

'NATALIE?!' David called out, 'NAT!'

A small yelp was heard from a bean bag in the living room and Natalie's head popped into view over the couch.

'Jeeze Dave! Your scared the shit out of me!' Nat smiled. She was curled by a candle with a book in her lap.

As she started to get up and greet everyone she was pulled into a hug. David held onto her for what seemed like forever and not long enough all wrapped into one. Finally he pulled back with his hands on either side of her face taking a catalog of her. Making sure she was okay.

'How are you? Are you hurt? I tried calling but I couldn't get through,' questions started pouring out of David.

'I'm fine!' Natalie replied. 'I got a little spooked but cleaned up the best I could. I didn't have power or service so I've just been here reading.'

'You've been here reading?!' David's voice began rising. His hands dropped away from Natalie and he took a step back.

'Do you have any idea how worried I was? Did you even try and reach me to make sure I was okay? I was freaking out! And you've been here just relaxing with a book?'

David turned around and went into his room. Natalie stood there shocked as his bedroom door slammed.

'What was I suppose to do?' She asked the others. Jason, Carly and Erin stood there with their mouths hanging open.

'You couldn't have done anything else Nat.. David was just really worried about you. He probably tried calling you like 500 times' Jason told her.

'He even tried to send Joe here since we were stuck in traffic but only residents were allowed into the neighborhood' Carly added.

'Yeah I bet he was worried about everyone..' Natalie said slowly. Trying to make sense on what she was hearing.

'Not everyone,' Erin said, 'just you. I don't think he took a breath until he actually saw you here.'

Natalie opened her mouth the answer and then closed it again. Why would David worry about her so much? Yeah they were friends but all of his friends are here in LA.

'Look Nat, as much as I would love and stick around with the cheery vibe in this house I'm going to go get Charlie and Wyatt from their mom's house.' Jason finally spoke after a couple minutes.

'Can you drive me home Jace? I really want to see TJ and Whitey right now.'

'I'll go with Erin...' Carly spoke up.

The three said their goodbyes and made their way back out the front door and into Jason's Tesla to go home. Natalie followed and locked the door. Went back to the bean bag chair and blew out the candle.

She looked at her phone to turn on the flashlight when she started receiving all the notifications that couldn't make it through before.

David Dobrik 74 missed calls, 119 texts
Jason Nash 13 missed calls
Erin Gilfoy 28 missed calls
Carly Incontro 32 missed calls

Oh my gosh. He really did try and get a hold of me.

Natalie slowly walked towards David's room and knocked softly.

No answer. She knocked a little harder and opened the door.

David laid on his bed with a pillow over his head. He watched as Natalie made her way closer to him and sat on the corner of his bed not saying anything.

David sighed and placed to pillow aside.

'I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just so worried and I tried to keep it together all day until I could know if you were okay or not and it felt like you did even try.' He said sheepishly.

'What was I suppose to do Dave?' Natalie moved a little closer to him. 'My phone wasn't working. I wasn't allowed to leave. I cleaned up the best I could and then waited. I was worried though. Trust me! I was so worried about you. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you...' Natalie trailed off. She looked away, embarrassed at the vulnerability she was showing.

David sat up and closed the distance that was left between him and Natalie on his bed. He held her chin and made her look in his eyes before he pulled her into a hug again. This one not as panicked. It was more relaxed. It was a reassurance to both of them that the other was okay.

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