Chapter Five

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A ringing woke David up the next morning. He looked around trying to figure out where he was, only to find himself in his own bed.

The ringing continued and David realized he was getting a phone call so he reached for his phone on his bedside table. As he tried to scoot closer to the side of his bed he was met with resistance, and it was then he noticed Natalie curled up beside him, with her head on his chest and arm resting across his torso.

David tried to move again, only for Natalie to tighten her grip on him and mumble, 'no Dave, I don't want you to leave' in her sleep.

He immediately stopped moving and settled next to Natalie. No phone call could ever be worth giving this up, he thought to himself.

Natalie let out a sigh as she nuzzled her face into David's neck. David was so content in that moment, so when his phone started to ring again he was ready to kill whoever was on the other end. He tried his best to reach it without moving Natalie, but didn't have much luck.

It was when his phone rang for the third time that David felt Natalie tense up against him.

'I don't know who needs you so badly right now, but you better take that call before a swat team busts in here' Natalie muttered in annoyance at the early morning nuisance.

'I've been trying to answer, but someone has decided that I am the best pillow around.' David chuckled as Natalie realized she was the reason the phone wasn't being answered and loosened her grip on his side.

'Sorry,' she blushed, and she sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard.

When David's phone rang for a fourth time he was finally able to answer it. He picked it up and put it on speaker.

'Hello?' David addressed whoever was on the other line.

'DAVE! Where the fuck have you been? I've been trying to get ahold of you all morning!'

'Ilya, do I need to remind you again of the time difference?' David answered sarcastically.

Ilya laughed on the other end of the call before getting a little serious.

'Okay okay so I woke you up! I'm sorry! But I come baring great news!' He joked, 'CONTENT! Natalie's not around right? Ha, of course not! I woke you up duh!'

David sparred Natalie an awkward glance as they listened to Ilya continue his idea of content.

'So, you know how I had my wisdom teeth out and confessed my love for Nat and she rejected me?' Ilya didn't wait for a reply and carried forward. 'Well I don't know, but things have been changing lately. I feel like I have a chance with her! So I'm going to fly out and surprise her! I'm going to bring flowers and chocolate and portillos! How could she say no to that!?'

David gave Natalie a panicked look as she reached over to grab his hand.

'I don't know Il, I mean are you sure you've been getting the signals right?' David questioned. Natalie gave his hand a squeeze. As if trying to tell him he had nothing to worry about.

'Come on man! This will be great for the vlog! And if all goes well, which I'm thinking it will, I'll be in LA more visiting, if you know what I mean!' Ilya rebutdtaled.

Just has David was about to open his mouth and argue Ilya began talking again.

'Oh shit! I got to go! I booked a flight for tomorrow so I'll see you tomorrow night!! Don't mention anything to Nat! I'm so excited!' And with that Ilya hung up the phone.

Natalie looked at David and could tell he was freaking out.

'Dave? Dave look at me,' she started. 'It's okay! I'll just tell him no and then everything will be back to normal!'

'But didn't you hear how excited he was? He thinks he has a real shot? Why does he think he has a real shot?' David asked. His jealously very evident.

'I don't know David! I've barely seen him lately! And every time I've seen him I've been with you! Did you think I was sending him signals? Because I sure didn't!' Natalie began to panic, how was she suppose to get through to David that she didn't like Ilya that way.

'You're right, I'm sorry. It's just, I finally got you. And the thought that I could lose you already makes me a little crazy.' David explained as he laid back down on his bed.

Natalie smiled, kissed his forehead and laid down next to him again, her head on his chest.

'I get it. But I'm sorry to break it to you, I have a feeling you're going to be stuck with me for a while.' Natalie smiled as she felt him laugh. David placed a kiss in her hair and wrapped his arms around her.

'Fuck, really? I didn't know this was going to be a long term thing... I'm out' David joked. Natalie feigned annoyance and slapped his chest.

'Ouch! Nat, I'm kidding! I'll be here as long as you'll have me,' he smiled.

David could feel Natalie's smile against his chest. He felt so content in that moment. They both closed their eyes and just laid with each other. Happy to sit in the silence, only hearing the others heartbeat.

'I know we talked about this literally yesterday. But what are your thoughts on telling our friends?' David questioned after a couple minutes of silence.

Natalie sighed beside him and put a hand to his chest to prop herself up to look him in his eyes.

'I don't know Dave. I want more time like this. Where everything is calm and perfect. I don't want anything to ruin this.'

'Just think about it okay?' David answered quickly. 'We don't have to tell the world, but just our friends for now. That way I don't have to hide when we're around them, they can be careful of what the might accidentally catch and put in their vlogs, and I sure as hell wouldn't have to worry about Ilya coming and stealing you away from me.'

'Okay, first off, nobody is going to steal me away from you, loser. And second,' Natalie took a big, deep breath. 'I'll think about it.'

A smile broke out on David's face, and Natalie couldn't help but mirror it. She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before moving to get up and start her day.

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